Legislative Update June 12, 2012
K-12 Education Budget Conference committee appointed to resolve differences House Version (H.4813) Base Student Cost $2,012 (current $1,880 / required $2,790) Minimum 2% increase in district employee salaries Index of Taxpaying Ability – deleted hold-harmless funds Furloughs allowed only if mid-year budget cuts Senate Version Full Senate debate started on 5/15/12 Allow furloughs – not tied to mid-year budget cuts Teachers required to receive step increase and 2% raise Index of Taxpaying Ability – added dollars for hold-harmless Proviso (FY12-13) to temporarily suspend limitations under the Education Capital Improvements Sales and Use Tax Act of 2008
Equal Access to Activities Equal Access to Interscholastic Activities Act (S.149) Passed House and Senate Ratified on 6/5/12 – With Governor for approval Allows home school, charter school and Governor school students to participate in interscholastic activities in school district of their home residence Students must provide affidavit of attendance, class, or enrollment of home, charter, or Governor school Students required to fulfill the same responsibilities and standards for behavior and performance Students required to meet same standards for acceptance Prohibits student participation if it deprives student attending the school of an opportunity to participate Students required to maintain academic eligibility
Tuition Tax Credits Vouchers and Tuition Tax Credits (H.4894/H.4576/H.4547/S.1325) Passed House on 3/28/12 Effort in Senate to attach to existing bill before adjourment failed Plan could cost $37 million State income tax deduction of up to $4,000 for tuition paid by the parent or legal guardian for child to attend an independent school State income tax deduction of up to $1,000 for tuition paid by parent or legal guardian for child to attend public school outside of their resident district State income tax deduction of up to $2,000 per home school student Dollar for dollar state income tax credit, insurance premium taxes, or bank license fees for contributions made to non-profit scholarship funding organizations that would provide ‘grants’ to eligible students to attend a qualifying independent school
South Carolina Public Schools are Succeeding! Congratulations ! Class of 2012