All Grantees Meeting October 5, DCYF Department of Children, Youth & Their Families
What’s On Tap for Today Welcome Timeline for CSAP Fiscal Policy Reminders Program Observation & Training Opportunities Special Needs Inclusion Training Consumer Satisfaction Highlights General Announcements Panel Discussion: Volunteerism
We are in Year 2 of our 3-year Planning Process YEAR 1 Community Needs Assessment YEAR 2 Children’s Services Allocation Plan YEAR 3 Request for Proposals The Community Needs Assessment (CNA) identifies needs and communicates actions The Children’s Services Allocation Plan (CSAP) analyzes overall spending & identifies funding priorities Request for Proposal(s) to fund programs and services identified in the CNA and CSAP Released| 2011 – 2012 |
To prepare, read the C.N.A. It can be accessed at October 13 th will focus on an overview of the process November and/or December CAC meetings will be used for public input Public Hearings will be facilitated through DCYF’s CAC
Use of Grant Funds Matching Funds Budget Revision Requests Invoices Workplan Progress Report Fiscal Policies: Reminders & Key Dates
DCYF funding is allocated by Service Area/Strategy Grantees are funded in a specific strategy Funds can not be transferred from one strategy to another Use of Grants
Matching Funds –OST/Y-LEAD Grants Matching Funds: Exceptions: Agencies with global budgets less than $250,000 and Youth Empowerment Fund programs 7 FY 2011 – 2012FY 2012 – % Minimum7% Minimum In-Kind or CashMust be all Cash
Up to two budget revision requests per fiscal year Revisions can be retroactive only one month prior to submission First revision due December 30, 2011 Second revision due March 30, 2012 Budget Revision
Invoicing Invoices must be submitted within 30 days after the close of each month Backup documentation may be requested due to fiscal findings or other concerns Insurance coverage must be current DCYF no longer allows for a 5% variance on line items (effective 2010)
Workplan progress report is being implemented today on the CMS Replaces the Units of Service & Demographic forms on your invoice Compares workplan service goals to actual YTD services as reported in the CMS New Workplan Progress Report
Status of Implementation Training Opportunities Implications for Funding Program Observation & Quality Initiative
Program Observation & Training Opportunities 12
Community- based OST, Sp-Teen, YWD, & Summer Observation Tools Created 13
105 Programs Attended Training on DCYF New Program Observation Tool 14
Observation Visits will be Conducted Between October & April 15
Programs Will Receive a Summary Report within 30 days of visit 16
DCYF- Funded Training Opportunities For Comm- base OST & Teen/YWD 17
Some Programs Will Receive One-on-One Coaching As Needed 18
if you are not receiving notices of training opportunities 19
The Long-term Goal is to Raise the Quality of All Programs 20
Special Needs Inclusion Trainings 21 DCYF Department of Children, Youth & Their Families
Highlights by Strategy Next Survey: March Participant Survey
OST: 64% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that there was an adult in their program who really cared about them. N = 2,476
OST: 65% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they learned new information about a topic that interested them. N = 2,476
OST: 67% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that the program they attended made learning fun. N = 2,476
OST: 59% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that the things they learned in the program made them want to learn more. N = 2,476
60% of OST participants reported enhanced enjoyment and engagement in learning as a result of the program. 27
Teen: 77% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that there was an adult at their program who really cared about them. N = 1,332
Teen: 77% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they learned new information about a topic that interested them. N = 1,332
Teen: 59% of OST participants agreed or strongly agreed that the things they learned in the program made them want to learn more. N = 1,332
Teen: 64% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they were more interested in their education because of the program. N = 1,332
76% of Specialized Teen participants reported enhanced enjoyment and engagement in learning as a result of the program. 32
YWD: 70% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they felt that they would be able to find a job on their own after they complete the program. N = 626
YWD: 69% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that staff or site supervisors provided useful feedback on how they could improve their performance in the program or at the work site. N = 626
YWD: 60% of YWD participants agreed or strongly agreed that the program helped them figure out what they wanted to do in the future. N = 626
YWD: 69% of YWD participants agreed or strongly agreed that they understand the steps they need to take to get a job after finishing their education. N = 626
59% of YWD participants reported developing education & career goals & learning the steps needed to achieve their goals. 37
' Announcements Check-in after meeting for YWD-HR Grantees Training for Youth-led Programming Lights on Afterschool
Begin Planning now. Showcase your work. Need assistance or additional information about your event planning? Contact Maurita Dunphy, Senior Program Planner, The 12th annual Lights On Afterschool is October 20, 2011 ALL DCYF GRANTEES are required to register and host a Lights on Afterschool event of some kind. Please Register Your Event at: Once registered, you will receive free posters & your events will be promoted to the media and the public.
Guest Panel Presenters Emilie Coulson, Director of Education of 826 Valencia, Rachael Kim, Program Manager of Taproot, Paul Olsen, Director of Experience Corps Bay Area, Adolfo Rivera, Director of BACR's National Service Programs, Laurie L. Meschke, PhD., Professor, San Francisco State University,