B ACK TO S CHOOL N IGHT Sigsbee Charter School ~ Wahoo Class English Language Arts
A GENDA : 1. What it means to be a Wahoo Family 2. Get to know your teacher 3. Day-to-Day Classroom Schedule/ Miscellaneous 4. Homework and Communication Procedures 5. Reading & Writing Instruction 5. Quarterly Assessment Formats 6. Standardized Testing: FSA (replacing FCAT) 7. Jupiter “Gradebook” 8. Parent - Teacher Team 9. Thank you!
O UR C LASSROOM C OMMUNITY RespectResponsibilityResilience We recognize that we are all unique. We help our learning partners, friends and fellow Sailfish remember our school rules. We can walk away from a tough situation. Fair does not mean same- it’s what is right for you. We are responsible for upholding the image of our school, our classroom and ourselves. We have choices in all situations. We recycle, reduce our waste and reuse supplies. We are all contributors in our classroom community. What’s a “Wahoo Family” ???
Respect and manners are expected! We are a family that cares and respects each other. Instead of “Class Rules” we have “What it takes to be a Bucket Filler”. We are a team! Through working together and being BUCKET FILLERS, we can succeed! Being responsible for their own education! Students can choose to be an active participant in their education, or they can be inactive. Wahoo Goals…
G ETTING TO KNOW M RS. BATTY Born and raised in Key West, Florida (Go Conchs!) Bachelor’s and Master’s graduate of the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fl. (Go Gators!) Previously taught in Alachua County, FL for 1.5 years 3 rd year teaching 3 rd Grade at SCS ESOL Endorsed Masters specialization in Educational Technology Personal Tid Bits Large Family (1/6) = Student Social skills & Manners are a MUST Hobbies: singing, acting, reading, fun on the water, playing music, riding bikes, long walks, Gator football, & helping children grow! Samantha Batty English/Language Arts Teacher
WahooMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:10-9:10ELA LibraryELA 9:10-10:10ELA 10:10-11:00PEMusicMathPEArt 11:05-12:00Lunch/ Recess MathLunch/ Recess 12:00-12:50Computer Lab Math Science 12:50-2:00Math 2:00-2:50MathScienceSocial Studies Math/ Second Steps WAHOO STUDENT SCHEDULE
D ORADO S TUDENT S CHEDULE : DoradoMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:10-9:10Math 9:10-10:10MathSocial Studies ScienceMathComputer Lab 10:10-11:00MusicPEELAArtPE 11:05-12:00Lunch/ Recess ELALunch/ Recess 12:00-12:50LibraryELA 12:50-2:00ELA 2:00-2:50ELA Second Steps Science
M ISCELLANEOUS H OMEROOM : PayPal ROCKS! Otherwise, please put any money coming to school in an envelop clearly marked with it’s purpose and your student’s name. Reminder about Snack: Please send in a personal snack or two each day, as needed, for your child. For allergy purposes, please do not share. Birthday Book Club: Students are welcome to gift a book to our classroom on their birthday. Arrival Drop Off in the back parking lot: 7:45 – 8:00 School 8:00 For your students’ safety, please NO early drop off.
H OME W ORK Reading/Writing Independent Reading Reading Response Sharing our thinking with other readers through writing. Home On Friday, Due Back on the following THURSDAY.
R EADING C URRICULUM Reading Workshop Structure 15 Minute Mini Lesson on TARGETED SKILL 30+ minutes of Silent Reading/Independent practice on targeted skill 20 minute Guided Reading lessons in small, purposeful groups (Book Club). Rotating Minute Share READING GOALS: Readers should know their personal strengths and weaknesses, and should always be working on improving by purposefully working on a specific personal goal. New Florida State Reading Standards are covered through the implementation of the Reading Workshop Model (Lucy Calkins).
W RITING C URRICULUM Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to move through the steps in the writing process, and communicate ideas and information effectively, as expected through the New Florida State Standards for 3 rd Grade. Again, implemented through the Workshop Model. Units of Study Narrative Writing: tells a story and may be exaggerated and fabricated. Expository Writing: is a response that is based on facts and supported with details. Persuasive Writing: is writing in which the author convinces/persuades the reader to do/believe something.
A SSESSMENT AND E VALUATION Reporting OctoberJanuaryAprilJune Conference Standards- Based Report Card Conference Standards- Based Report Card ReadingWritingScience Work Habits Rubric DRA2Genre RubricsProject Rubrics Running RecordsIndividual ConferencesCulminating Projects Individual Conferences Assessments
3 RD G RADE : N OW U SING JUPITER FOR “ GRADES ” Please refer to the “gradebook” portion of your child’s Jupiter Account to remain up-to-date regarding their ongoing participation and completion of our classwork assignments. Not traditional “grades” – more a record of their participation, completion, and quality of classwork expectations Some examples of things that will be added to the “gradebook” regularly are: Homework Weekly Reading Response on occasion Participation in writing Guided Reading Responsibilities
We are a team! Parents and teachers need to work together to truly support children in their personal success! M OST I MPORTANTLY … It is my mission this year to bring the best possible education to each of my students, so they will learn skills to succeed in life, while having fun!
T HANK YOU FOR COMING ! Have a wonderful evening! *** Please QUICKLY find your way to Mrs. Wise’s room to hear about Math & Social Studies instruction!