Acupuncture origintheory Yin Yang & Chi instruments The needlesThe statues development improvementIn America
Subject: ACUPUNCTURE Reason: Acupuncture is the traditional therapy in Chinese. It is rarely seen in western society. So we want to let foreigners know this special therapy
The origin of acupuncture In Paleolithic period, ancient people use rocks to punch the wound in order to reduce the pain. In Neolithic Age, they use the needles which made by rock. Until Shan Dynasty, the iron needles had been used
The theory of acupuncture Acupuncture is one of the Chinese traditional physical therapy. It’s precise, convenient and safe practice. It’s f undamental theory which based on the balance of “Yin”, “Yang” and “Chi”
Yin and Yang Yin and Yang are very important in the discussion of Acupuncture treatment, in relation to the Chinese theory of body systems. Chi is an energy force that runs throughout the body. In addition, Chi can also be found in nature world as well.
About Chi Ancient people theorized that the body has an energy force running throughout it. This energy force is called as “Chi”. The Chi consists of all life activities which include the spiritual, emotional, mental and the physical aspects of life.
Chi is comprised of two parts, Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are opposite forces, when Yin and Yang balanced and work together, one will be in healthy condition.
A person’s health is influenced by the flow of Chi in the body, in combination with the universal forces of Yin and Yang.If the flow of Chi is unbalanced or interrupted, Yin and Yang will become unbalanced, and the illness may occur
The instruments
About needles Doctors use special needles and place them in specific position into patiences’ point on their body in order to stimulate the Chi in body to run smoothly again.
In the past, needles was produced by larger size and used repeatedly. The Doctor will put needles above the fire to sterilize them.
The iron statue Students who learn acupuncture use the iron statue to practice punching the correct points, if the student put needles in the right points, the water in the statue will flow out from the points.
The development
The improvement Nowadays, the needles that Japanese invented are much more thinner, flexible and cause less pain on patients.
In America There are about acupuncturists in America. Every year there are more than 5000 take this treatment also. Obviously, acupuncture has bring into trend for the novel treatment
Information source Wikipedia Yahoo Books from Donghu library