vocabularyName that Plate boundariesSome more vocabulary Tectonic Plates Re-teach the Rock cycle
VOCABULARY-100 A super continent or single land mass existing 200 million years ago made up of the Earth’s current seven continents. Pangaea
VOCABULARY-200 A German scientist responsible for developing the Theory of Plate Tectonics Alfred Wegener
VOCABULARY-300 A zone where tectonic plates collide into each other resulting in mountain formation, Earthquakes, and volcanic activity. Convergent
VOCABULARY-400 A process where new crust on the ocean floor is created through uplifting magma which spreads apart as it cools Sea-Floor Spreading
VOCABULARY-500 The process in which one edge of a tectonic plate is forced beneath the edge of another plate. Subduction
NAME THAT PLATE-100 North American plate
BOUNDARIES-200 Mid-Atlantic Ridge
NAME THAT PLATE-300 Pacific plate
NAME THAT PLATE-400 Indo-Australian plate
NAME THAT PLATE-500 Arabian plate
BOUNDARIES-100 Earthquakes can occur at what types of plate boundaries? (Name all that apply) Convergent and Transform
BOUNDARIES-200 The Himalayan mountains are created at what type of plate boundary Convergent boundary
BOUNDARIES-300 Subduction zones where trenches may be found are part of what type of plate boundary? Convergent
BOUNDARIES-400 The San Andreas Fault is a transform boundary, what two plates make up the San Andreas Fault? Pacific and North American
BOUNDARIES-500 The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is where sea-floor spreading occurs. What type of plate boundary is this called? Divergent
SOME MORE VOCABULARY-100 Large segments of the outer layer of Earth (lithosphere) which drifts and float on the asthenosphere? Tectonic plates
SOME MORE VOCABULARY-200 Theory which states that the Earth’s outer layer is made up of rocky plates which drift and move on a thick layer of molten rock. Theory of Plate Tectonics
SOME MORE VOCABULARY-300 A zone where tectonic plates move away from each other forming new crust as magma rises to the surface. Divergent
SOME MORE VOCABULARY-400 Plate boundaries that slide along each other in opposite directions Transform
SOME MORE VOCABULARY-500 This layer of the Earth contains magma and convection currents. This layer also allows the lithosphere to move. Asthenosphere
TECTONIC PLATES-100 What happens to the plate as it subducts under another plate It melts
TECTONIC PLATES-200 The “Ring of Fire” mostly circles around which plate Pacific plate
TECTONIC PLATES-300 When the edge of tectonic plates shift and energy is released, what is the result? An earthquake
TECTONIC PLATES-400 According to the Theory of Plate Tectonics, where do most volcanoes occur? Along the plate boundaries
TECTONIC PLATES-500 What is not a limitation of using model of a volcano The scale of the volcano + It cannot show the actual details of an eruption
ROCK CYCLE RE-TEACH-100 At what point does the rock cycle end The rock cycle does not have an ending point
ROCK CYCLE RE-TEACH-200 What process is occurring at #3 Compaction and cementation
ROCK CYCLE RE-TEACH-300 Which picture best represents the layers of the Earth
ROCK CYCLE RE-TEACH-400 Most of the ocean is a type of rock called basalt. At the edge of the continent, this basalt erodes and becomes small particles. Over time, the particles are compressed and form what type of rock? Sedimentary rock
ROCK CYCLE RE-TEACH-500 Intrusive igneous rocks are rocks that cool inside the Earth. What can be used to identify INTRUSIVE igneous rocks? Large crystals
NAME THAT PLATE-200 Nazca Plate