A Genetics Timeline Crick and Watson described the structure of DNA Crick and Watson described the structure of DNA DNA is made artificially DNA is made artificially.
DNA is found to be present not only in chromosomes but also in the mitochondria DNA is found to be present not only in chromosomes but also in the mitochondria The first single gene is isolated The first single gene is isolated.
The first artificial gene is made The first artificial gene is made Genetic engineering begins with the ability to insert genetic material Genetic engineering begins with the ability to insert genetic material
DNA from a virus is fully decoded for the first time DNA from a virus is fully decoded for the first time An artificial gene is inserted into a bacterium and, for the first time, works normally An artificial gene is inserted into a bacterium and, for the first time, works normally.
Bacteria are engineered to produce insulin Bacteria are engineered to produce insulin A gene is transferred from one animal species to another A gene is transferred from one animal species to another.
The first artificial chromosome Realisation that some, non-functioning DNA is different in each individual - genetic fingerprinting is born.
The Human Genome Organisation aims to map the complete sequence of DNA The Human Genome Organisation aims to map the complete sequence of DNA The first human gene experiment takes place to try to treat a four-year-old girl The first human gene experiment takes place to try to treat a four-year-old girl.
Mice are cured of cystic fibrosis as a result of gene therapy Mice are cured of cystic fibrosis as a result of gene therapy After six years of work, the brewer's yeast genome is decoded, the most complex organism so far After six years of work, the brewer's yeast genome is decoded, the most complex organism so far.
The first multi-celled animal has its genome decoded - a worm called C. elegans The first multi-celled animal has its genome decoded - a worm called C. elegans The first draft of the human genome announced The first draft of the human genome announced.
The first draft of the human genome published.
Rosalind Elsie Franklin Research in France and England in mid 1900’s Research in France and England in mid 1900’s Led to discovery of structure of DNA Led to discovery of structure of DNA Her early research was used to produce an atomic bomb Her early research was used to produce an atomic bomb
Rosalind Franklin Set up X ray diffraction lab Set up X ray diffraction lab Photographs of DNA showed that it could have a double helix structure Photographs of DNA showed that it could have a double helix structure
Rosalind Franklin Some questions surround the theft of her work in 1952 Some questions surround the theft of her work in 1952 Including x ray photographs Including x ray photographs
Watson and Crick James Watson James Watson Francis Crick Francis Crick Collaborated to produce the first model of DNA structure in 1953 Collaborated to produce the first model of DNA structure in 1953
Watson and Crick Described DNA dimensions and spacing of base pairs Described DNA dimensions and spacing of base pairs Had major impact on genetic engineering carried out today Had major impact on genetic engineering carried out today
Watson Born in the US Born in the US Crick – born in England Crick – born in England Collaborative research at Cambridge University in England Collaborative research at Cambridge University in England
Arthur Kornberg and his friends had isolated DNA polymerase.
Nirenberg and Matthaei have discovered the genetic code. Accordingly, some 3 to 1 amino acid code.
B. Weiss, CC.Richardson DNA was isolated from the ligaz.
Norman E. Borlaug Developed wheat varieties producing high yields Developed wheat varieties producing high yields Research in Mexico Research in Mexico Semi dwarf varieties Semi dwarf varieties Developed wheat variety that would grow in climates where other varieties would not Developed wheat variety that would grow in climates where other varieties would not
Borlaug Nobel Peace Prize in 1971 Nobel Peace Prize in 1971 Credited with helping relieve widespread hunger in some nations Credited with helping relieve widespread hunger in some nations
Paul Berg virus DNA combined with the bacteria's DNA.
the first time a foreign gene (rezistan antibiotics) to a transfer of bacteria was performed the first time a foreign gene (rezistan antibiotics) to a transfer of bacteria was performed.
Mary Claire King Research into nature of DNA during late 1900’s Research into nature of DNA during late 1900’s Determined that 99% of human DNA is identical to chimpanzee Determined that 99% of human DNA is identical to chimpanzee
Mary Claire King 1975 found similar gene pools between humans and chimpanzee made it possible to research hereditary causes of breast cancer 1975 found similar gene pools between humans and chimpanzee made it possible to research hereditary causes of breast cancer
The first genetic engineering company markets products that Genentech was founded The first genetic engineering company markets products that Genentech was founded.
1977 – The bacteria is applied genetic manipulation, humans inhibit growth of hormone produced.
1978 – Genetic fingerprint was discovered.Thus, everyone has known from their DNA’ s.
(USA) "oil-eating baker" patent, which was the first time the genetic manipulation applied organisms
Mice with gene transfer has been applied with success for the first time, in the treatment of disease was used as a model Transgenik mice.
Industrial scale production of the first genetically engineered insulin is produced.
Anti-squash tomatoes were patented.
1988-The first patent on mammals is “Harvard Mouse” which is transfered human cancer gene.
Official start of "Human Genome Project". Estimated cost: $ 3 billion.
1993 – Cloning of human embrio by Jerry Hall, caused a scandal through the world.
1994-The first genetically engineered tomato with improved acceptance by the world food organization The first genetically engineered tomato with improved acceptance by the world food organization.
1994 –Soya bean which is transferred a gene of Brazillian peanut, caused allegic reactions and it is prohibited.
Ian Wilmut Cloning of a sheep named Dolly in 1997 Cloning of a sheep named Dolly in 1997 Produced from tissue of an adult sheep Produced from tissue of an adult sheep Previous cloning efforts had been from early embryos Previous cloning efforts had been from early embryos
1997-The arrangement on geneticly manipulated food legalized in EU.
1997-It is allowed the food which is appiled genetic engineering in EU: The Rape Oil
In 14 April 2003, The DNA of Human genome code identification project is completed. With completing this project, all the regions which codes gene is declared.
4th September 2007, a team led by Craig Venter published the first complete (six-billion-letter) genome of an individual human(Venter’s own DNA sequence).