Adaptations for Living in Water and on Land
What are some basic needs of sea creatures? Find Food Avoid being eaten by predators Attract a mate to reproduce Protect its young Protect itself from the cold, wet environment Take in oxygen Get rid of carbon dioxide
Aquatic animals have a variety of adaptations to help meet their needs… gills fins webbed feet jet propulsion mucus suckers claws body shape
SEA SLUG I have external gills to help me breathe!
What adaptations is this sea otter using to survive and carry out the activities of life?
What part of the fish helps it to take in oxygen?
The clam gets oxygen from the water that flows over its gills. Surprisingly, it gets food, too! An adaptation allows the gills to strain tiny food particles out of the water. This way of finding food is called filter feeding. Clams get food by…
Any diver who's seen a barracuda attack another fish can tell you that it happens faster than you can say "anchovy." One moment, a barracuda will be drifting lazily among the coral reefs. The next, it's rocketing toward a fish and snapping it up in its jaws.
How does a barracuda and a clam differ in the way they capture food?
By observing this barracuda, name two adaptations that enable it to swim swiftly through the water. WHY AM I KNOWN AS THE “TIGER OF THE SEA?”
In order to move up and down quickly to track its prey and to move around the coral reefs, the barracuda uses its swim bladder. A swim bladder keeps it from sinking to the bottom of the ocean. A barracuda can inflate or deflate this gas-filled chamber to lower its body or to rise. What object does this remind you of?
What is the purpose of the gas-filled floats on seaweed? it allows the plant to float near the surface of the ocean to get plenty of sunlight LEAF-LIKE FRONDS anchor the plant
An octopus takes in water and removes oxygen from it. When frightened, the octopus shoots water out in a fast jet. It moves away by “jet propulsion.” WHAT OTHER ADAPTATIONS DO I HAVE?
Organisms that live on land must meet the same needs as organisms that live in water. However, they use different adaptations to meet these needs. What problem do land organisms face that aquatic organisms do not?
Land animals face challenges such as… Getting and retaining water extracting oxygen from the air Supporting their weight
Most land animals get water from food, as well as by drinking it or absorbing it through their bodies.
Common structural adaptations of land animals are… Wings Skin Legs
Owls have strong wings. Their special feathers don’t make the swishing sound most birds make as they fly. How does this adaptation help the owl?
Bones & muscles are adaptations that help to support the weight of the animal and help it to run away from enemies.
Plants take in water through their roots. Roots also help anchor the plants to the ground. What adaptations do plants have to help them take in water? What other function do roots have?
Most plants have a waxy coating that keeps them from losing too much water. How do plants retain water?
Take the Adaptation Quiz Find out what you know about the polar bear, Blanding's turtle, the monarch butterfly and the beluga whale.