2017 Science Statewide Assessments Kirsten Hural, Ph.D Llewellyn Shealy South Carolina Department of Education
The 2014 South Carolina Science standards are written based on A Framework for K-12 Education by the National Research Council of the National Academies. They incorporate science practices, crosscutting concepts, and core knowledge. Each performance indicator consists of core knowledge paired with one of the science practices. This is meant to guide teachers in the implementation of the practices, but not to limit instruction.
2017 Science Assessment Goals Embed assessment practice standards within assessment of the content standards Introduce technology enhanced items Introduce scenario-based items
The Life or Death of Items Created by item writers Reviewed and revised by SCDE Reviewed by Educator Content Committee Data Analysis Data Review Field Test Reject (Death) Operational Test (Life) Accepted? YES NO Performance Indicators
Draft Biology Blueprint StandardNumber of Content Items SEP H.B H.B H.B H.B H.B Total4812
Draft Blueprint for SCPASS Standard Number of ItemsSEP 4.E target = 83 4.E target = 82 4.P target = L target = 93 Total3510
New Item Types Technology Enhanced Items (TE) These items require the student to interact with the item differently from multiple choice. Scenario-based items These items present a scenario for the student to read. The scenario is followed by 2-3 related questions. Link to the OTT (Online Tools Training) This website is posted on the SCDE webpage. You must use Chrome browser to open it.
Schools should be working towards 100% online testing. Section of the South Carolina Code of Laws states that assessments will “be administered to students…, in either a paper ‑ based form or computer ‑ based format in 2015 ‑ 2016, and to all students in a computer ‑ based format by school year 2016 ‑ 2017” In % of EOCEP tests and 12% of SCPASS tests were administered online. Online Testing
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Kirsten Hural, Ph.D Llewellyn Shealy