Federal Determination Levels Vanessa Winborne Infant/Toddler and Family Services Office of Early Childhood Education & Family Services
Each federal level is required for all states to adopt and apply within their own state. Each federal level is required for all states to adopt and apply within their own state.
Meets Requirement State is meeting the requirements and purposes of Part C of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA.) State is meeting the requirements and purposes of Part C of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA.)
Needs Assistance The State needs assistance in implementing the requirements of Part C of IDEA. The State needs assistance in implementing the requirements of Part C of IDEA.
Needs Assistance, cont. If classified as needs assistance for two years; If classified as needs assistance for two years; (1) Advises state of Technical Assistance available, such as (1) Advises state of Technical Assistance available, such as (a) Assist in identifying professional development, instructional strategies (a) Assist in identifying professional development, instructional strategies (b) Designating and using administrators, service coordinators, service providers, and other personnel from the Early Intervention Services program (b) Designating and using administrators, service coordinators, service providers, and other personnel from the Early Intervention Services program
Needs Assistance, cont. (2) Identifies state as high risk and imposes special conditions on the State’s grant under Part C of the Act. (2) Identifies state as high risk and imposes special conditions on the State’s grant under Part C of the Act.
Needs Intervention If designated to need intervention for three or more consecutive years in implementing Part C of the Act. If designated to need intervention for three or more consecutive years in implementing Part C of the Act.
Needs Intervention (1) Secretary can take any of the previous actions described above. (1) Secretary can take any of the previous actions described above. (2) Secretary can take one of the following: (2) Secretary can take one of the following: (a) corrective action plan to be completed in one year. (a) corrective action plan to be completed in one year. (b) compliance agreement for items not achievable within one year. (b) compliance agreement for items not achievable within one year.
Needs Intervention, cont. (c) seek to recover funds. (c) seek to recover funds. (d) withhold further payments to the state. (d) withhold further payments to the state. (e) refer for enforcement action to the Department of Justice. (e) refer for enforcement action to the Department of Justice.
Needs Substantial Intervention (1) Any actions in the first levels (needs assistance or needs intervention) (1) Any actions in the first levels (needs assistance or needs intervention) (2) Recover funds (2) Recover funds (3) Refer to Office of Inspector General at the Department of Education (3) Refer to Office of Inspector General at the Department of Education (4) Refer to the Department of Justice or other appropriate enforcement action (4) Refer to the Department of Justice or other appropriate enforcement action