«Readiness for interprofessionality of students in radiological technology, high challenge for the profession» «Réceptivité des étudiants TRM à l’interprofessionalité, un enjeu à venir pour la profession» Swiss Congress of Radiology–Davos May 2016 Authors: F. Bouamine, C. Bécherraz; University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HESAV), Lausanne/CH Interprofessional group: C. Bécherraz, F. Bouamine, J. Campbell, L. Franco, B. Kampel, N. Oberhauser, F. Salamin, L. Staffoni & M. Trovato; University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HESAV), Lausanne/CH
Presentation plan 1.Context 2.HESAV’s IPE Programme 3.Aim of the study 4.Methods 5.Results 6.Conclusion
CONTEXT USA,1999 MOTIVATION SWITZERLAND, First Experience 2013 SUPPORT TOP DOWN BOTTUM UP To Consulte Creation Reflexive Team To promote IPE
HESAV’s IPE Programme 1 st year Bsc (225 students) Communication Professional roles Group dynamics 2 nd year Bsc (210 students) Conflict management 3 rd year Bsc (201 students) Interprofessional leadership Pedagological modalities: Simulated patient/role play situations Conferences Theoretical courses Online Quiz Workshop
AIM OF THE STUDY To assess undergraduates’ attitudes and perceptions about collaborative practice To assess the impact on the students’ readiness to interprofessional learning To evaluate modified, or not, dimensions of the interprofessional collaboration
METHODS Instrument: Readiness for InterProfessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) adapted from the French Canadian validated questionnaire version (Casimiro et al. 2006), 19 items gathered in 4 subscales scored on a 5-point Likert Scale SubscaleItemsContent Teamwork and Collaboration1, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19 Evaluates the attitude regarding the effect of shared learning with other healthcare students around clinical and communication issues. Negative Professional Identity2, 10, 18 Assesses the negative statements regarding the value of interprofessional working. Positive Professional Identity3, 6, 9, 16 Improves communication, problem-solving and team skills by shared learning experiences. Roles and Responsibilities5, 8, 12Evaluates the student’s own roles and those of the other healthcare students. Total1-19
METHODS LONGITUDINAL STUDY PRE POST DESIGN RIPLS BEFORE LEARNING TEAM DISCUSSION PRELIMINARY RESULTS RIPLS AFTER LEARNING J+30 Data Analysis with SPSS Version 21 Comparison of subscales’ mean scores for each discipline before participating to the IP Programme Comparison of subscales’ scores before and after participating to the IP Programme Data Analysis with SPSS Version 21 Comparison of subscales’ mean scores for each discipline before participating to the IP Programme Comparison of subscales’ scores before and after participating to the IP Programme J-7 Online questionnaire with pseudonym 1 WEEK IPE
RESULTS Descriptive data – Data sample (N=71)
RESULTS RIPLS TRM students and Physio students: Negative Professional Identity (PRENPI) scores > Nursing students Positive ProfessionaI Identity (PREPPI) scores < Nursing students Roles and Responsilibilites (PRERR) scores for TRM students > Nursing students and Physio students Legend : 1: Nursing students 2: Technologist students (TRM) 3: Physiotherapist students (Physio)
DISCUSSION Different perceptions about practice Small sample Definition of readiness Students’ positive perception about IPE/IPC
CONCLUSION Need for practical training, to transfer theoretical knowledge into daily practice Globally students show a positive attitude to interprofessional education Collective and interprofessional learning
BIBLIOGRAPHIE Casimiro, L., Tremblay, M. & Brosseau, L., 2006, Échelle de Réceptivité à l’apprentissage Interprofessionnel (ERAI), version française adaptée de Parsell, G. & Bligh, J. (1999). The development of a questionnaire to assess the readiness of health care students for interprofessional learning (RIPLS). Medical Education, 33(2), Frenk, J., Chen, L., Bhutta, Z.A. et al. (2010) Health Professionals for a New Century: Transforming Education to Strengthen Health Systems in an Interdependent World. The Lancet. DOI: /S (10) Gallant S et al. (2011). Apprendre ensemble pour travailler ensemble : L’éducation interprofessionnelle, un mythe ou une réalité ? Recherches en soins infirmiers. 106:
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