Thursday, September 27, 2012
Matching Use the Matching Organizer to cut and paste the word to its correct definition.
divine right the idea that God had created the monarchy, and that the monarch answered only to God and not to his or her subjects Absolute monarchy a form of government in which the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority; his or her powers are not limited by a constitution or by the law Estates General The legislative or governing body of France Versailles enormous palace with elaborate decorations, statuary and gardens, was a symbol of his royal power Louis XIV His most famous line was, “The state, it’s me.” Peter the Great admired western society and believed that through westernization one could modernize society Parliament Legislative or governing body of England English Civil War The end- of this period of feuding between Parliament and the absolute monarch Charles I- was when Charles I was executed by his people Oliver Cromwell He ruled England as a military dictatorship. Restoration This period of 25 years was marked the excessive spending of the “restored” monarch Charles II William and Mary Asked by Parliament to rule after the Restoration only if they agreed to the English Bill of Rights English Bill of Rights A contract for how the monarchy would act and what they could and could not do. Glorious Revolution What England calls the time when it changed from the monarchy Restoration to a more limited monarchy ruling with Parliament
eroBwDrA Stop video at 3:45
1. Versailles housed the _______________ several times over the years. 2. Versailles was a symbol of _______________ power. 3. Louis XIV wanted a ______________ where he could rule by absolute rule. 4. Versailles took _____________ years to build. 5. In 1682, the French ___________ and ___________ were officially moved to Versailles.
1. Versailles housed the ___Royal Court_____ several times over the years. 2. Versailles was a symbol of ___Absolute____ power. 3. Louis XIV wanted a ____center_____ where he could rule by absolute rule. 4. Versailles took ______50_______ years to build. 5. In 1682, the French ___Court____ and ____Government____ were officially moved to Versailles.
Using the documents and questions, read about Oliver Cromwell and decide for yourselves.
Let’s brainstorm some mnemonic devices to remember the Absolute Monarchs & their countries Key Players in English History English Civil War, Restoration, and Glorious Revolution
Glue your Matching Sort Versailles Video Fill-In Glue in your Oliver Cromwell Document Page Write down our top Mnemonics for each category under the categories: Absolute Monarchs, Key Players in English History, and English Civil War, Restoration, and Glorious Revolution
You have 5 minutes to study for the quiz with a partner. Question/Answer format works best. Bes sure to switch at midway!
You may write on the quiz. You short answer may go on either the front or back of the quiz.
Worksheet 3 Read about the Enlightenment and its early thinkers and then use this knowledge to match quotes.