80% Overall Attendance 66% Attendance at Technicals 66% Attendance at General Meetings 4.0 Community Service Credits 8.0VITA Service Hours 6.0 Tutoring Hours 100% Required Fundraising Activities
2/7- PwC 2/21- E&Y 3/1- Friedman 3/8- KPMG NYC TBD- Becker TBD- Tronconi TBD- CPA excel Must attend 66% of technicals ◦ 5/7 (if there is 8, 6/8) Business Casual, 5:30 pm-6:20 pm, Alfiero 104
2/6- Kickoff 1 st Floor Jacobs Management Center 9am- 11am Participate through pwc.tv ◦ DAY 1: tell your story – focus on the brand called you ◦ DAY 2: value your passions- connect your career plan with your values and passions ◦ DAY 3: share your skills – demonstrate what’s important to you by giving to others ◦ DAY 4: stand out on line- express your own brand to a much larger audience ◦ DAY 5: grow your own way – keep your personal brand top-of-mind ◦ Chance to win prizes!!
1/24- First General Meeting 2/23- Second General Meeting 3/21- Third General Meeting ◦ E-board nominations ◦ Room TBD 4/3- E-Board Elections ◦ Room TBD 4/19- Fourth General Meeting ◦ Tentative- to be planned by e-board ◦ Must attend 4 out of 5 general meetings
2/8- Blood Drive (1)lohrberg 2/4 and 3/24- MICE (2)aeavery 4/20- Relay for Lifelohrberg ◦ (1 credit for every 2 hours) TBD- Habitat for Humanity (4)lohrberg TBD- Lights Outaeavery TBD- Adopt a Highway (1)cgreene3 TBD- ROBAPcgreene3 TBD- SPCAaeavery Must complete 4 hours of community service
50/50 Raffle- distributed during 2 nd general meeting ◦ Each member must sell or buy 20 tickets for $1 each ◦ Please fill out the proper information on the ticket if you are selling them to non-BAP members ◦ Drawing will occur during 3 rd General Meeting Restaurant Fundraisers ◦ TBD- April All members are required to participate in the 50/50 raffle and 1 restaurant fundraiser
2/19 Bowling ◦ 7 pm, Transit Lanes 3/7 Sabres Game ◦ 7 pm TBD- Paintball TBD- Field Day Please Victoria if you are interested in attending any of these events-
Sign Up NOW!- DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE SEMESTER ◦ No additional time slots will be made available Each member and candidate is required to tutor 6 hours ◦ Exception- sophomores You will be docked an hour for each hour you do not show up Make sure you sign in in the ARC or you will not receive credit!! Alternative to tutoring- exam proctoring ◦ Please read s over listserv for more information
You can only cancel or schedule a tutoring shift at least a day in advance. ◦ NO EXCEPTIONS!! We will know if you abuse the system and you will be docked tutoring credits.
Each member is required to attend 1 training session to become IRS Certified ◦ Saturday, 1/21, 9 am, Capen 201 ◦ Saturday, 1/28, 9 am, Capen 201 ◦ Sunday, 1/29, 9 am, Capen 201 Refresher session will be on an invitation only basis- if you have not been ed by Mark, you must attend one of the above sessions.
Each member is required to contribute 8 hours of VITA service Every 4 additional VITA hours= 1 community service credit VITA Dates ◦ South Campus (Allen Hall) Feb. 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 ◦ North Campus (106 Jacobs) Mar. 3, 4, 31, April 1, 7, 8, 14 You must wear business casual
Every member and candidate needs to sign up for the training session and for 8 hours of VITA Sign up sheets will remain on the Beta Office Door (Alfiero 206G) Minimum time slot per day= 4 hours ◦ 9:30-1:30, 1:30-5:30
Agenda-March (will leave on 22, return on 25) Agenda Interest forms and payment due February 16 ◦ First come, first serve basis Best Practices Developing Strategies for Dealing with Change Best Practices in Social Networking Out of the Box Best Practice ◦ GREAT opportunity to work on presentation and public speaking skills, bond with members of BAP and get the chance to WIN recognition for our Chapter 1 st place team gets to go to Nationals in the summer to compete for first place in world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Order forms are due by Friday, January 27 ◦ They were sent out via ◦ Also on the website Only members can order merchandise
BAP Logo will be screen print Price: $19.00
Front: BAP Letters will be sewn on Greek letters Back: Crest will be screen print Price: $22.00
ZETA THETA Front: BAP Letters will be screen print Back: Zeta Theta will be screen print Price: $35.00
ZETA THETA Both Back and Front will be screen print Price: $39.00
Polos are black with red thread for the BAP letters Price: $22.00 MaleFemale
Fleeces are charcoal with red thread for BAP letters Price: $35.00
Thursday, January 26, 6pm Banchetti’s Banquet Hall ◦ Go out of UB at Rensch exit ◦ Turn right onto Sweet Home ◦ Turn left on North French Road ◦ Banchetti’s is on the right (parking and entrance in back) BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DRESS Initiates are required to attend
ubbap.com Update your bookmarks!!
Sign up for VITA training Merchandise order forms due Friday Regionals application and fee due Feb 16 PAYMENT FOR INITIATION BANQUET DUE NOW Sign up for tutoring