WP2 Development and Updating of the Strategic Research Agenda WP leaders: ZonMw and THL Martijntje Bakker, Marja Vaarama & ZonMw-THL-teams.


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Presentation transcript:

WP2 Development and Updating of the Strategic Research Agenda WP leaders: ZonMw and THL Martijntje Bakker, Marja Vaarama & ZonMw-THL-teams

 M7 (March 2013), Five WG Reports, ZonMw  M12 (September 2013), SAB report, ZonMw  M12 (September 2013), SOAB-report, THL  M15 (December 2013), First SRA, ZonMw and THL ; approved by JPI  M30 (February 2015), Updated SRA, ZonMw and THL, approved by JPI List of deliverables: month, name, responsible partner

What has happened so far?  Two WG’s met in January to finalise WG reports  All 5 WG’s reports are finalised  SAB meeting was organised February 12th  Possible frame work (3C concept) was discussed, no agreement reached  SOAB meeting was organised

Next meetings  26 March 2013,Brussels : SOAB meeting  May 2013,Brussels: joint meeting of SAB, SOAB, GA and invited experts to discuss first preliminary version SRA

June: SRA-1 on agenda in GA meeting December: GA votes on final SRA May: SAB/SOAB/WP5 meeting SRA-1 April: SRA -1 September: SRA -2 National & online consultation ( 6 wks) 7 November: SAB/SOAB meeting SRA-3 Mid Oct – mid Nov: Collecting feedback & editing SRA-2 March 2014: SRA launch Timeline towards final SRA

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Scientific Advisory Board: Progress report Erik Buskens, MD PhD, epidemiologist Professor of Medical Technology Assessment Program Director Healthy Ageing UMC Groningen University of Groningen, the Netherlands Chair WG H&P and SAB JPI MYBL 7

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Scientific Advisory Board: Progress report Reflection on the SAB meeting 12 Feb 2013 –SRA Research agenda on and for ageing Europe – policy issues Lengthy still unfinished discussion framework prioritisation 3 C Cost, Contribution, Capability? 3 level Macro, Meso, Micro Comfort or Capability = conditional Contribution ≠ goal of it’s own Too simple/’unscientific’/popular, too much like cost effectiveness Framework required! Prioritisation? Descriptive matrix Kok starts writing first draft/attempt SRA 9

Scientific Advisory Board: Progress report Reflection on the SAB meeting 12 Feb 2013 –EU requests ‘Surprise’ - too soon 5 WG papers are all – no concrete overarching themes/vision European Parliament event –What are the most conspiuious issues for EP –What is the overlap/relation to FUTURAGE, EIP H2020 etc etc? May 30/31 10


EP event Work & vision well presented High level audience interested and involved Messages life course, holistic, ‘sustainable’ well received SRA will be timely – deadline H2020! 12