Florida Strait Kyle Malaki Kearstin Eseroma Period 6
Florida Strait
WHAT BODIES OF WATER DOES IT CONNECT? The Florida Strait going north is between Florida Keys and Cuba going South.
What Countries are involved? United States & Cuba
What is the length and width of the strait? The Florida Strait is 300 miles long, 60 to 100 miles wide and 6,000 feet deep.
To whom is this strait important to and why? The strait is important to the deep draft vessels trying to enter the gulf to delivery there goods to the U.S.
What would be the impact of closing this waterway? The impact would be losing immigrants. Cuban people build rafts to come over the strait to the Florida Keys. Closing the strait they wont be able to come to the U.S. And states on the Gulf will have to wait longer to get there goods, because ships will have to go the longer way around to get to the Gulf.
What is the strategic, military, or economic value of this strait, either today or in history? There is going to be a oil rig drilled on the Florida Strait.
Oil Rig!
In what ways is this strait an advantage or disadvantage to the countries on either side? Transport goods to the U.S. and A narrow path to the U.S. from Cuba. Cuba government will slowly lose people that migrate to the U.S.
What moves through this strait today? Oil Ships and is a Pathway for ships to come through
How is the strait influenced by physical geography? Hurricanes Floods Tsunamis Tornadoes
How is the strait influenced by its human geography? Diana Nyad- tried to swim across the strait twice. Cuba and the U.S. along that well, you need to special permission to there.
Diana Nyad & Cubans crossing over!