22 nd Operational-MIRS Meeting October 31 st 2008
Agenda MiRS General Status [Sid] MiRS in NDE Update?[All] MiRS Operational Status[OSDPD] Core Products / Soundings Update[Kevin] N18/Metop-A RR improvement & assessment[Flavio] Emissivity-Based SIC & SWE (Valid./Improv.) [Chris/Cezar] MiRS System (HR Mode / ATMS Simul. /AMSR-E)[Wanchun/Daisaku] MiRS Documentation [Steve]
Good Bye Daisaku Uesawa Daisaku, a visiting scientist from JMA worked on MiRS extension to AMSR-E His last day is Today Proved the concept that MiRS could be applied to Imaging sensors easily. RFI Emissivity Convergence metric
Good Bye Steve Stegall Steve will be leaving in November His last day is Nov 14 th Steve got accepted in a Ph.D. program in U. of Arizona He has implemented the FM method of T. Kleespies into the MiRS system. He is working on updating all MiRS documentation (UM, SDD and ICD) Old FM New FM
MiRS went Operational Latest version went operational for N18, Metop-A and F16-SSMIS, On Oct 27 th 2008.
Technical/Scientific Updates MiRS Rainfall rate preliminary algorithm (based exclusively on MiRS core products) Rainfall algorithm being independently assessed by CICS (see Flavio’s talk) High-resolution mode running daily for N18, Metop-A and DMSP SSMIS (F16) (proof of concept over Gulf of mexico, not global) AMSR-E running in high resolution mode as well to show proof of concept of an imaging capability (still issues to be resolved) SSMIS issues (need refinement)
System Readiness Review SRR in roughly two weeks Coincides with Pre-release of next MiRS version Focus of next phase is SRR Code review will be part of our SRR All POPs invited.
MiRS Hardware We have a number of processes running daily at STAR –LR Global runs for N18, Metop-A and SSMIS –HR regional runs for N18, Metop-A and SSMIS –HR regional run for AMSR-E –Radiometric Quality Monitoring for the 4 sensors (wrt both GDAS and ECMWF) –Geophysical Quality Monitoring for the 4 sensors (wrt both GDAS and ECMWF) –Validation assessment runs (sounding, hydrometers, AMSR-E, etc) We have received a dual quad-core machine dedicated for MiRS with 1 TB disk space. Should relieve a lot of CPU/disk pressure. Cost 8K! Future Goal: Have a dedicated MiRS machine for every sensor
MiRS in High-Resolution Mode Needs to be addressed in advance –Discussion with Vince Tabor led to the suggestion that we should have a MiRS dedicated machine in OSDPD. Needs to be investigated.
For Information… DMSP F18 postponed to late 2009 NPP/ATMS postponed for March 2011 (also mentioned June 2011) NOAA-N’ still on schedule for February 2009
MiRS in NDE We had a meeting with NDE about scientific monitoring: Looking for requirements: –IDL –Access to GDAS and/or ECMWF –CPUs (to allow HR running) Questions remain: –Who is NDE POC for the MiRS integration –Roles of NDE and the PALs in integrating the algorithm, and in monitoring product quality –Who is responsible for writing technical system documents ? –Having one version of MiRS (working on both NDE and OSDPD environments) is critical.