K. Long, 25 June, 2016 IDR: structure and overall timeline: Slides are to introduce discussion of how we prepare IDR. Propose to revise slides as we discuss and post revised slides to document what we agree.
Contents: Structure Timeline Revision of baseline Costing Example sites/site-specific issues Proton driver Publication
Structure IDR: structure and overall timeline:
The Interim Design Report: Principal sections: – Physics case and performance of IDS-NF baseline Includes – Review of Neutrino Factory physics case » Including near detector – Justification of muon-physics programme – Presentation of performance of Neutrino Factory – Accelerator facility: Description and justification of baseline Identification of risks and of possible mitigations: – Risks analysis included in the cost analysis Plan for production of RDR Justification of R&D requirements – Detector facility: Description and justification of baseline Identification of risks and possible mitigations: – Risk analysis included in cost analysis Plan for production of RDR Justification of R&D requirements – Cost (and schedule) analysis overview – QA? Annexes – Analysis of example source sites and representative detector sites Possibly by referring to published or other source material – Cost and schedule analysis Further details of cost and schedule analysis
Timeline: IDR: structure and overall timeline:
IDR milestones/deadlines: Milestone: – Complete draft of IDR 31Dec10 Period of revision/review of document follows: – To ensure consistency and to polish presentation Deadlines: – 04Oct10: Deadline for first drafts of principal sections from those working on specific topics to w/g conveners – 15Nov10: Sections sent to KL for assembly into first draft of report ‘Writing workshops’: – 06—10Dec10: IDR writing w/s #1 – To make first assembled document and to review consistency – 06—10Jan11: IDR writing w/s #2 – To take make critical review of complete document Plenary meeting to review, discuss, and finalise report: – February/March 2011: In person or by phone/video or perhaps a combination of the two
Revision of baseline: IDR: structure and overall timeline:
Present baseline, 2007/1.0 documented in IDS-NF-002 – Need to produce specification of baseline to ensure consistency of IDR ‘Rolling freeze’ of configuration: – Initiate today process of freezing configuration for IDR that terminates at IDS-NF#6 at RAL – ‘Freeze’ (sub)system specification as appropriate as a rolling programme starting now – Review of items ‘ready for freezing’ in NF parallel at EUROnu annual meeting which takes place in Strasbourg 02—04 June 2010 Schedule for preparation of baseline specification document: – 31May10: Issue 1: Specification of subsystems that have been stable – 31Jul10: Issue 2: Revision of baseline specification following Strasbourg meeting – 04Oct10: Issue 3 (final): Final revision of baseline specification following IDS-NF#6 at RAL
Costing: IDR: structure and overall timeline:
Cost evaluation implies some analysis of schedule: – Required for inflation/indexation/escalation Use proposed CERN costing tool: – Supported by team responsive to developing the tool to meet our needs Contact for IDR costing exercise: – Christian Bontoiu Interface for IDS-NF with CERN tool developers Help to ensure consistency of input to costing tool An essential contribution! – Please support Christian, this is a hard job! Scope of costing: – Components of subsystems the PBS Mixture of estimated cost of components, scaled cost based on experience, costing formula (e.g. civil) as appropriate – Risk: Evaluation of risk, and associated cost, to mitigate particular issue: – Examples: » RF gradient in cooling channel; radiation shielding in target Deadlines/planning: – 02Jun10: First version of Project Break Down structure for Strasbourg mtg – 23Sep10: First discussion of costing at IDS-NF#6 at RAL
Example sites/site-specific issues: IDR: structure and overall timeline:
Source: – Example sites: CERN, FNAL, J-PARC (TBC), RAL – How the facility ‘might be implemented’ given constraints of a particular laboratory – Used to assess issues such as provision of services, safety, tunnelling, etc. for costing exercise Detector: – Evaluate feasibility of intermediate and far detectors on the surface: Possibly scale cosmic-rejection analysis performed by NOvA collaboration – Choose representative underground sites to be used to assess cost of excavation, provision of services, etc.
Proton driver: IDR: structure and overall timeline:
Proton driver is a particular, site-specific issue: – Design tightly constrained by host-lab mission – Need to address cost in IDR, but clearly need to align with laboratory analysis Conclusion of discussion in accelerator w/g: – Report technical solution for Neutrino Factory proton driver in IDR; – Initiate consultation with relevant teams at example sites to work out appropriate approach to cost estimation Implies addition of proton-driver task to Accelerator Working Group – Task leaders required, to be defined in consultation with example-site teams For FNAL: Keith Golwitzer CERN, J-PARC, RAL to be identified
Publication: IDR: structure and overall timeline:
Prepare IDR as IDS-NF document Submit IDR for review by ECFA panel Revise report in light of comments and recommendations of the ECFA panel Publish report as: – CERN Yellow report Perhaps include lab report numbers (e.g. FNAL-TN, etc) – Full author list, i.e. contributors and those who wish they had been contributors Those contributing particular designs, analysis, etc. strongly encouraged to publish their work as the work matures: – IDR will assemble contributions into coherent whole and reference these contributions – Will help with ‘rolling freeze’ of baseline