English Language Office Publications and Multimedia Materials
American Studies Series Work Hard. Play Hard. Stay Fit by Mariya Lebedko, et al Vladivostok American Global Companies by Lyubov Anisimova, Svetlana Chuprova Togliatti Higher Education in the USA by Victoriya Tuzlukova, et al Rostov-on-Don
American Studies Series What makes this series so special? American English course learner-centered and interactive accompanied by a CD-ROM promotes dialogue of cultures
AMERICAN POTPOURRI Content American Studies topics Skills communication, critical thinking, cross-cultural Level intermediate-advanced Target group Secondary school and university students and teachers Unique features Multimedia materials adapted from VOA SE website and DOS e-journals
AMERICAN POTPOURRI TOPICS 1. American Families 2. Volunteering in the USA: Schooling for Citizenship 3. American Mass Media 4. Asian Ingredients in American Cultural Pizza 5. Multicultural America 6. The American Dream 7. American House and Home 8. National Memory and U.S. History Milestones in Monuments
AMERICAN POTPOURRI: SECOND EDITION Contains American Potpourri: First Edition and “Listen+Read+Learn” materials developed by students and teachers
Business English on VOA Content ESP/Business English Skills communication, critical thinking, cross-cultural Level intermediate-advanced Target group Secondary school and university students and teachers, adults learning English for professional purposes Unique features Multimedia materials adapted from VOA SE website, reflects current reality of business life in the U.S.
American Values Through Film Lesson Plans Dances with Wolves High Noon Sea Biscuit To Kill a Mockingbird Twelve Angry Men All the President’s Men Erin Brockovich
eJournals USA The Long Campaign: U.S. Elections
English Teaching Forum - English Teaching Forum is an international quarterly journal published by the U.S. Department of State for teachers of EFL -Forum articles reflect current theory and practice in English language teaching journal.html
OELP books Publication catalog can be found at: /pubs/
Shaping the Way We Teach English Workshop Series Pbwiki
“Lessons in Kindness”: Accessing English through Students’ Stories Teenagers from Access programs wrote stories that promote tolerance and respect for others who are seen as different in some way. They also prepared, acted out and filmed sketches that were based on their stories. An accompanying DVD contains a selection of these filmed sketches.
English Language Office U.S. Embassy