HEART 2-chambered heart atrium auricle ventricle s-shaped tube located in the anterior region transports deoxygenated blood
HEART CHAMBERS Ventricle thick muscular walled cavity pumps blood through conus arteriosus to the gills and body Conus Anteriosus contains a series of semi-lunar valves help to direct the blood flow
HEART CHAMBERS Sinus Venosus deoxygenated blood from the body returns here first before entering the artium Atrium receives blood from sinus venosus thin-walled with 2 lateral bulging lobes pumps blood to the dorsal ventricle
BLOOD FLOW Posterior cardinal sinuses receives blood from the posterior parts of body drains through cardinal veins into the sinus venosus Blood enters through the sinus venosus empties into the atrium
BLOOD FLOW Anterior end of the conus arteriosus continue forward as the ventral aorta gives off 5 pairs of afferent branchial arteries pass laterally from the medial ventral aorta carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the gills
BLOOD FLOW Efferent branchial arteries return oxygenated blood from the gills give off many branches carry oxygenated blood to the more anterior parts of the body four pairs of efferent branchial arteries join at the dorsal midline to form the large dorsal aorta passes posteriorly bringing oxygenated blood from the gills to virtually every part of the shark’s body
Venous System
Shark Heart, Ventral view 1.) ventricle 2.) atrium 3.) sinus venosus 4.) coronary artery 5.) conus arteriosus 6.) ventral aorta 7.) afferent branchial arteries
Shark Circulatory System organs removed 1.) internal carotid artery 2.) paired dorsal aortae 3.) efferent branchial arteries 4.) dorsal aorta 5.) subcalvian arteries 6.) posterior cardinal sinus 7.) celiac artery 8.) posterior cardinal veins 9.) anterior mesenteric artery 10.) lienogastric artery 11.) posterior mesenteric artery 12.) rectal gland 13.) iliac arteries