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User Login: Enter Your Sales ID and Touch/Click ‘ACCEPT(F7)’ button.
‘EAT HERE’ button: This button is designed for those customers who walk in, place the order, and eat in.
You will get this screen after you Touch/Click on ‘EAT HERE’ button. You do not need any customer’s Ph # for ‘EAT HERE’. You can enter the customer’s name or leave it blank, and Touch/Click on ‘ACCEPT(F7)’.
You will see this screen after you enter the customer’s name and Touch/Click on ‘ACCEPT(F7)’. Now, you are on the menu screen and ready to take order.
‘TO GO’ button: This button is designed for those customers who walk in, place the order, and take it out. The process is exactly same as in ‘EAT HERE’. ‘PICK UP’ button: This button is designed for those customers who call in, place the order, and take it out. The process is almost same as in ‘EAT HERE’. The only difference is that you have to have the customer’s phone # in ‘PICK UP’ if you might need to call them back for any reason. DELIVERY: You directly enter the customer’s phone # in the phone # field for delivery as shown in the next screen.
You will get the next screen after you enter the customer’s phone # for delivery and Touch/Click on ‘ACCEPT(F7)’. Then you enter the customer’s information that is needed for delivery driver and Touch/Click on ‘ACCEPT(F7)’. e.g. your customer is PIZZAMAN who lives in apartment #A 7946 California Ave. You can simply enter the customer’s information as shown in the next screen. One of the great features of NicePOS is that as soon as you type only one letter ‘C’ in the Street Address field, all the street names that start from letter ‘C’ including California Ave will be listed as you see in the next screen. You just Touch/Click on California Ave from the list. It is as easy as it looks. This feature expedites entering the customer’s information, and eliminates typing error at the same time. Now, you Touch/Click on ‘ACCEPT(F7)’ after you enter the customer’s information that is needed for delivery driver. Then you will get the menu screen.
List of Streets start with C
Place Your Order: If you want a pizza, Touch/Click on ‘PIZZA’ button on the menu screen.
You have four options to choose in pizza size (16 inches, Slice, 14 inches, and 12 inches).
Suppose you pick 16” pizza. Now, you have different kinds of pizza to choose from as on the screen. If you like all kind of meat on your pizza, Touch/Click on ‘MEAT LOVER’ button.
Meat Lover Pizza is a classic pizza on which certain toppings (meats) are pre-set. However, you can still customize your Meat Lover Pizza the way you want. Here are the toppings you can customize from.
On the next screen, ‘+’ implies add extra, ‘-’ implies remove or minus, ‘1st1/2’ implies the first half, and ‘2nd1/2’ implies the second half. Now, you Touch/Click on ‘FETA CH’ button. You Touch/Click on ‘B/O’ (Black Olive)’ button and Touch/Click on ‘+’. Similarly, you Touch/Click on ‘PEPPERONI’ button and Touch/Click on ‘+’. You Touch/Click on ‘ONION’ button and Touch/Click on ‘1st1/2’. Similarly, you Touch/Click on ‘MUSHROOM’ button and Touch/Click on ‘2nd1/2’. You Touch/Click on ‘BEEF’ button and Touch/Click on ‘-’. Touch/Click on *Lite* button and Touch/Click on ‘CHEESE’ button. After all this, your screen will appear as next screen. Now, you Touch/Click on ‘Main Menu’ button.
Items added from the previous example.
Look at the price of your 16 inches Meat Lover Pizza. A regular price of 16 inches Meat Lover Pizza is $ Each topping costs $1.50. Therefore, Feta Cheese costs $1.50. Double B/O (Black Olive) costs $3.00. Pepperoni already comes with Meat Lover Pizza. Extra Pepperoni (double pepperoni) costs $1.50. Onion on the first half costs $0.75 and Mushroom on the second half costs another $0.75. Price for Minus BEEF is zero because you want it be excluded from your Meat Lover Pizza. Since your pizza automatically comes with cheese, you will not pay any extra money for lite cheese. Thus, the price of your 16 inches Meat Lover Pizza (customized) is $ After $1.47 tax (6% tax), customer will pay total $25.96.
Total cost by item + tax, order example from previous screen.
Payment: If customer is paying in cash, Touch/Click on ‘Pay By Cash’ button. You will get this screen. You just choose or enter the amount tendered. After you choose the amount tendered, your order is complete. Now, you might want to send the order to the printer. You just Touch/Click on ‘Print Ticket’ button for this.
If you are paying with credit card, Touch/Click on ‘Credit Card’ button. You either swipe the credit card or enter the credit card # and the expiration date. After the credit card approval, your order is complete. Now, you might want to send the order to the printer. You just Touch/Click on ‘Print Ticket’ button.
Tips Adjustment: Touch/Click on ‘Tips Adj’ button. It displays the order # of all the deliveries that are paid with credit card. You simply Touch/Click on the order# you want to adjust the tips. This will let you enter the tips amount. Check the Order Status of Pending Delivery: In order to view the order status of Pending Delivery, Touch/Click on the ‘ORDER STATUS’ button. Then you will get this screen. Now, Touch/Click on the ‘Pending Deliveries’ button.
After you Touch/Click on the ‘Pending Deliveries’ button, you will get the next screen, which gives you a wide range of information about a particular order. e.g. ‘2’ under OrdId means order #2. ‘15min’ under Duration means the order was placed exactly 15 minutes ago. ‘PIZZAMAN’ under CustNm is the customer’s name. ‘7946 California Ave’ is the customer’s address. ‘28(D,9)’ under MapCo tells the exact location of California Ave to the delivery driver. It tells the driver to look at grid ‘D and 9’ in page # 28 of the local map to locate the customer’s address. It also shows you the customer’s phone #, the exact time when the order was placed, and the total price of the food. More importantly, this screen tells you the payment method whether it was paid in Cash or Credit Card or Check or other form of payment.
Order vital information display buttons
Assign Delivery to the Driver: First of all, you pick the delivery by Touching/Clicking the delivery you want to be dispatched. If you look at the bottom of the previous screen, you can see the third button as ‘ASSIGN DRIVER’. When you Touch/Click on the ‘ASSIGN DRIVER’ button, all the drivers’ ID #s will be displayed as shown in the screen above. Suppose you want to assign a delivery to a driver with ID# 9, you Touch/Click on ‘Driver Id-9’. Assign Delivery to the Driver: First of all, you pick the delivery by Touching/Clicking the delivery you want to be dispatched. If you look at the bottom of the previous screen, you can see the third button as ‘ASSIGN DRIVER’. When you Touch/Click on the ‘ASSIGN DRIVER’ button, all the drivers’ ID #s will be displayed as shown in the screen above. Suppose you want to assign a delivery to a driver with ID# 9, you Touch/Click on ‘Driver Id-9’.
When you Touch/Click on ‘Driver Id-9’, you will be asked to enter a password of the driver with ID #9 as shown above.
When you enter the valid password, you will get the screen above. You just Touch/Click on ‘OK’ button to assign the order to ‘Driver Id-9’.
Check the Order Status of Assigned Delivery: In order to view the order status of Assigned Delivery, Touch/Click the ‘ORDER STATUS’ button shown in earlier screen. This time, you Touch/Click on the ‘Assigned Deliveries’ button. Now, you will get the above screen. This screen further shows the name of a driver (JOHN K) under OrdId. It also tells you that the driver (JOHN K) left for the delivery exactly 13 minutes ago.
Switch the Delivery Assignment: What do you do if you assign a delivery to the wrong driver by mistake? Calm down, there is no panic any more. You pick the delivery by Touching/Clicking the delivery you want to be assigned to the different driver. If you look at the bottom of the earlier screen, you can see the first button as ‘CHANGE ASSIGNMENT’. You Touch/Click the ‘CHANGE ASSIGNMENT’ button. Now, you will get the above confirmation. You just Touch/Click ‘Yes’ button.
After you confirm ‘Yes’, you will get the above screen where you can choose the right driver you want to assign the delivery. Suppose you chose Driver Id-3 for this time. Now, you check the status of assigned delivery, and you will see the following change: The driver’s name, JOHN K, is replaced by RAJ G. It means RAJ G is associated with Driver Id-3.
Recall the Order: For example; PIZZAMAN already placed the order. Suppose customer changed his mind and decided to add a can of coke. In this situation, you just high light his order by Clicking/Touching it and hit ‘RECALL ORDER’ button. The system brings his order back to order taking mode where you can add the soda or any other items he wants to add. Also, you can remove any item if he wants to. CHANGE MODE: This mode facilitates the order taker to convert one type of order to the other type. In our example, PIZZAMAN already placed the order for delivery. A few minutes later, he changed his mind and he decided to pick it up. In this situation, you do not have to take the whole order all over again. All you have to do is recall the order, Click/Touch the ‘CHANGE MODE’ button, and the system asks you whether you want to convert it to ‘PICK UP’ or ‘EAT HERE’ or ‘TO GO’. After you convert the type of order, you just place the order as normal orders.
View Order Detail: You high light the order and hit ‘SHOW ORDER DETAIL’ button to view the itemized order in detail. It shows all the order detail as it appears in the print out tickets. Cancel Order(s): You high light the order and hit ‘CANCEL ORDER’ button to cancel the order. Administrator log in is required to cancel any order for the security reason.
Re-take the already Cancelled Order: Customers sometimes change their mind and cancel the order they already placed. Again, they change their mind and place the same order back again. Our system handles this kind of real life situation pretty handily. You just go to the ‘CANCELLED ORDER’ from Order Status, select the order to be placed again, and hit ‘RETAKE ORDER’ button. It will bring the cancelled order back to the normal order taking mode. You just place the order as normal orders. Now, your cancelled order is back in the system. View Non-delivery: ‘VIEW NON-DELIVERIES’ button shows the status of all the orders other than the delivery orders. It includes ‘EAT HERE’, ‘TO GO’, and ‘PICK UP’.
Close the Business Day: At the end of day, you want to close the business. If you exit from the order taking mode, you will see the ‘Close Business Day’ button on far right on the top of the screen. Administrator has to log in first to close the business for the security reason. When you hit the ‘Close Business Day’ button, the system asks you whether you want the print out of drivers’ report and the total business report. You can hit YES or NO depending on what you want. The last question the system asks you is whether you want to delete all the orders or not. Here, you want to delete all the orders so that the order number starts from #1 from the next morning.
Punch-In Punch-Out: If you exit from the order taking mode, you will see the ‘Punch In Punch Out’ button next to ‘Close Business Day’ button. All the employees can punch in or punch out by entering their user ID and password.
Tools Driver’s Transaction Coordinate Mapper Backup Database Restore Database Import/Export Data Manage Server Connection Repair Database/Connection Manage Network Printers Setups Maintain Employee Records Maintain Food Item Records Maintain Time Logs Commission Setup Delivery Charge Setup Setup Ticket Message Setup Tax Rate Setup Department
Settings Change Default Store’s Location Change Business Info Preferences: Change X-Charge Server Location View Reports: Sales Report Business Report Individual Driver’s Report Drivers’ Report Tax Report Time Report Shift Report Help: Manual About Settings Change Default Store’s Location Change Business Info Preferences: Change X-Charge Server Location View Reports: Sales Report Business Report Individual Driver’s Report Drivers’ Report Tax Report Time Report Shift Report Help: Manual About
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