Alyse Stofer FY13 SWE President SWE FY13 Operational Plan
Page 2 FY13 Theme A Lifetime of Opportunity Lifelong Learning Inspirational Connections Personal Success
Page 3 FY13 Strategy Focus on strategic plan goals rather than precise objectives FY13 is the last year to follow current plan Establish new strategic plan for FY14
Page 4 FY13 Strategic Goals & Objectives GOAL #1 – Growing the Profession – Outreach There is an increase in women choosing to enter the engineering and technology profession. GOAL #2 – Professional Excellence Women in engineering and technology excel professionally, and their achievements are showcased and valued. GOAL #3 – Industry Catalyst SWE is a catalysts for changing the professional climate to enable women in engineering and technology to excel. GOAL #4 – Inclusive Global Community Women in engineering and technology and SWE stakeholder find value in SWE as a diverse, inclusive, global community. GOAL #5 – Membership SWE is a first choice organization for supporting women in engineering and technology as seen by the retention and growth of its membership.
Page 5 Goal #1-Growing the Profession – Outreach There is an increase in women choosing to enter the engineering and technology profession. FY13 Goals: 1.Support pre-college efforts 2.Implement SWEeter Futures program in all regions 3.Restructure Wow! That’s Engineering events and implement in regions/sections
Page 6 Goal #2-Professional Excellence Women in engineering and technology excel professionally, and their achievements are showcased and valued. FY13 Goals: 1.Create and share best practices for Society, region and section award and recognition programs 2.Enhance diversity and inclusion training for the Society and regions
Page 7 Goal #3 – Industry Catalyst SWE is a catalysts for changing the professional climate to enable women in engineering and technology to excel No Industry Catalyst goal in FY13 Significant accomplishments have been made towards this goal since its inception FY09-FY11 focused on increasing the number of discussions on SWE’s position papers with industry, government, and academic influencers
Page 8 Goal #4-Inclusive Global Community Women in Engineering and Technology and SWE stakeholders find value in SWE as a diverse, inclusive, global community. FY13 Goals: 1.Solidify and implement strategy and promotion of Affinity Groups 2.Strengthen leadership pipeline process and increase number of leaders participating in pipeline 3.Develop a standardized mentoring program
Page 9 Goal #5-Membership SWE is a first choice organization for supporting women in engineering and technology FY13 Goals: 1.Increase international representation on Society committees 2.Engage international professional and collegiate members in existing programs and services 3.Update all SWE documentation to reflect global strategy 4.Grow membership by 10%
Page 10 Other Goals/Initiatives 1.Promote accomplishments of members through All Together, region websites and social media 2.HQ develop proposal for bundled membership and consulting services 3.Develop new strategic plan for implementation in FY14 4.Streamline structure and process to ensure Senate communications are effectively communicated to regions and sections in a timely manner 5.Senate implement short-term Mega Issue recommendations (volunteer engagement, creative corporate engineering opportunities) 6.Expand usage of Skype and other electronic media for the Society
Page 11 Leadership Challenge As leaders of the society, our financial commitment is as important as our time commitment Board of Directors is challenged to contribute $15,000 in unrestricted donations Challenge to the other Society leadership to contribute a matching $15,000 Region Governors Senators Committee Chairs