P1 Exam Tips Feedback from the examiners The examiner says…
The answer gets one mark for 'The infrared shows where the hottest part of the hand is'. To gain a second mark a hot/cold part of the hand would need to be named or a difference in shading noted. Could get more marks
The diagram showing the wavefronts is enough on its own to gain two marks. When the question says “You may add to the diagram…” make sure you do.
If you get a question where you need to use the answer to your first part in the second part, you can still get marks even if your first answer is wrong. SO DON’T LEAVE THE FIRST ONE BLANK.
A wavelength is the distance from a point on one wave to the same point on the next wave
Just to repeat that… 1.Find equation on formulae sheet 2.Write out equation 3.Substitute values 4.Complete calculation
Don’t just guess the equations, they are at the front of the exam paper.
Bring your calculator to the exam! Don’t panic if you haven’t brought your own, we have put them on the desks, just make sure you use it and ask for another one if it doesn’t work.
Temperature stays constant because 'heat is emitted at the same rate as it is absorbed'
Use a ruler to complete bar charts.
This student has used the correct equation but the question gave the power in Watts (W). To use the cost equation you need the power in kW. To convert W to kW divide by Could get more marks
If your answer says it costs 60000p (£600) to run a TV for 10 hours it’s likely you have done something wrong. BUT IF YOU CAN’T FIGURE OUT WHAT HAS GONE WRONG, DON’T SCRIBBLE EVERYTHING OUT. THIS ANSWER STILL GETS 2 MARKS! Could get more marks
Focus on what the question is asking rather than just putting down everything you know about a subject. Always show your working! Ensure you answer all parts of the question to maximise your marks. Be careful not to say two opposite statements in the same answer. Do not be afraid to use the information you have been given as part of your answer. Always read the question correctly to ensure that you are answering the question that is being asked rather than one you would like to be asked.
This is not enough detail for the mark. The question asks for the trend in data so use a sentence like; ‘As the _____________ increases, the ______________ increases/decreases.’
A common mistake with this question was to state that it was the galaxies, rather than the light from them, that was shifted to the red end of the spectrum. Less successful candidates made references to galaxies or planets or stars appearing red.
I did a tally and this appears as the top tip FIVE times in the higher paper examiner report. DO NOT IGNORE THIS ADVICE, many students do, and this can give you the edge to beat them in the grade boundary war.
I did a tally and this appears as the top tip TEN times in the higher paper examiner report. DO NOT IGNORE THIS ADVICE, many students do, and this can give you the edge to beat them in the grade boundary war.
P1 Foundation Paper Summary In order to improve performance candidates should: make better use of the formulae page to provide equations for calculations show their workings for calculations add to diagrams where appropriate to clarify text use the information provided by diagrams and images to help answer questions read extended writing questions carefully and complete all parts use the data provided in an extended writing question quantitatively have a calculator and a ruler for the examination.
P1 Higher Paper Summary In order to improve their performance, candidates should: use technical terms wherever possible in descriptions and explanations give a reason as well as a statement when answering an 'explain' question read the question carefully and underline the key words use the marks at the side of a question as a guide to the form and content of their answer show their working for calculate questions.
Multiplying and dividing numbers in standard form: Here you can use the rules for multiplying and dividing powers. Remember these rules: To multiply powers you add, eg, (2 x 10 5 ) × (3 x 10 3 ) = HIGHER PAPER 2 x 3 =6 6
Multiplying and dividing numbers in standard form: Here you can use the rules for multiplying and dividing powers. Remember these rules: To multiply powers you add, eg, (2 x 10 5 ) × (3 x 10 3 ) = 6 HIGHER PAPER = 8 x 10 8
Multiplying and dividing numbers in standard form: Here you can use the rules for multiplying and dividing powers. Remember these rules: To multiply powers you add, eg, (2 x 10 5 ) × (3 x 10 3 ) = 6 x 10 8 To divide powers you subtract, eg, (9 x 10 5 ) ÷ (3 x 10 3 ) = 3 HIGHER PAPER 9 ÷ 3 = 3
Multiplying and dividing numbers in standard form: Here you can use the rules for multiplying and dividing powers. Remember these rules: To multiply powers you add, eg, (2 x 10 5 ) × (3 x 10 3 ) = 6 x 10 8 To divide powers you subtract, eg, (9 x 10 5 ) ÷ (3 x 10 3 ) = 3 x 10 2 HIGHER PAPER = 2
HIGHER PAPER Adding and subtracting numbers in standard form: EITHER Convert them into ordinary numbers, do the calculation, then change them back if you want the answer in standard form. Example 1 (4.5 × 10 4 )+ (6.45 × 10 5 ) = 45, ,000 = 690,000 = 6.9 × 10 5 If you increase the power, move the decimal point to the left. If you go for this option you might not be able to fit the numbers into your calculator. OR change one of the numbers so that both are to the same power and then do the calculation. Example 2 (4.5 × 10 4 ) + (6.45 × 10 5 ) = (0.45 × 10 5 )+ (6.45 × 10 5 ) = 6.9 × 10 5
Miss Cox’s Exam Question Lotto… High voltage transmission lines to reduce energy loss P = I x V
megaM10 6 1,000,000 kilok10 3 1,000 millim microµ ,001