VOLLEYBALL You can significantly improve your health and quality of life by including moderate amounts of physical activity. Along with having a balanced diet, playing volleyball regularly for 45 minutes is a way to improve physical strength and health.
VOLLEYBALL HISTORY Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William J. Morgan, who was physical education director of a YMCA in Massachusetts. He developed the game to provide an indoor game for the winter months in which relatively large groups of men could participate in a small gym. The principal features of tennis were employed, but the net was raised and the players struck the bladder of a basketball with their hands in stead of racquets.
Burns Calories Playing volleyball affects body fat percentage and the muscle ratio of the entire body in a positive way. According to FitnessHealthZone.com, 45 minutes of volleyball burns up to 585 calories, resulting in significant weight loss over an extended period of time. This reduces the risks of hypertension, heart disease and diabetes.
IMPROVES MUSCULAR SYSTEM The physical activities involved in playing volleyball will strengthen the upper body, arms and shoulders as well as the muscles of the thighs and lower legs. Playing volleyball also tones and strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Improved circulation circulates more blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, improving the body's functions and your overall health and well-being
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Other benefits of playing volleyball are its effects on the body's metabolic rate. It enhances your energy level which improves your over all performance. Volleyball also improves hand-eye coordination and strengthens and develops fast reflexes. As with any type of physical activity, volleyball improves mental health and enhances the health of the bones and joints.
A GREAT TEAM SPORT! Volleyball not only has heath benefits, you also make friends, improve socially, and have fun!