E. Napp Around 320 A.D., a new empire emerged in India. It was called the Gupta Empire and it experienced a golden age.
E. Napp A golden age is a time of peace, prosperity, and great achievements.
E. Napp Gupta rulers favored the Hindu religion. Hinduism is the dominant religion of India.
E. Napp During the Gupta golden age, great works of art were created.
E. Napp Indian mathematicians made great advances.
E. Napp Indian mathematicians developed the concept of zero.
E. Napp Indian mathematicians developed the decimal system.
E. Napp Indian mathematicians even developed the concept of infinity.
E. Napp Indian doctors experimented with vaccinations.
E. Napp Great literature in the form of plays, poems, and stories were created.
E. Napp Kalidasa wrote beautiful poetry in Sanskrit, an ancient and religious language of India.
E. Napp But during the 5 th century A.D., political conflicts shook the Gupta empire. Continued raids by the Huns drained the empire’s wealth and disrupted trade.