The Circulation Game
* Open your notebooks to your labeled respiratory system diagram. * You have 5 minutes to quietly study for the QUIZ. * Reminder: Your participation grade depends on your ability to follow class expectations, including DO NOWS.
* When you come into class, check for handouts by the door, then immediately take a seat. * Get your journal out and sharpen your pencil if you need to at this time. * One-on-one questions are asked at this time. * Quietly complete the do now. If you get done early, wait silently until I give you further instructions.
Esophagus Trachea Pancreas Alveoli Ravioli Lung Liver Epiglottis Bronchioles Bronchi Appendix Pharynx Larynx Villi Diaphragm Nasal Cavity
* Key Question: What does blood do as it travels around your body? * Initial Thoughts:
Paste the diagram into your notebook 1. Use your finger to trace one of the possible paths of blood flow. Begin on the left side on the heart (on your right) and stop once you reach the left side of the heart again. Be sure to go in the direction of the arrows. 2. In your notebook, record which organs and structures you passed through in your path. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 tracing a different path of blood through the human body.
* Did everyone trace the same paths? If not, compare the organs and structures along the different paths. * Which organs does the blood have to pass through each time it goes around the human body? * Why do you think blood always has to pass through these organs?
FunctionOrgan(s) Pumps blood Brings oxygen into the body Carries carbon dioxide out of the body Absorbs nutrients into Removes wastes
Colored cards represent 4 substances: Oxygen, Nutrients, Carbon Dioxide, and Waste Each person will get a role card: Blood Brain Heart Lungs Stomach & Intestines Liver Kidneys Leg Muscles
* As “Blood” flows through the “human body” it will absorb “Oxygen” and “nutrients” and carry them to other parts of the body. * “Organs” will use the nutrients and oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide and wastes by giving them to the blood. * Colored cards will represent the four substances
1. What are the functions of the blood cells as they travel through the human body? 2. Do all parts of the human body use oxygen and nutrients? Explain. 3. How did your job change as you were circulating throughout the body? Explain.
In a well developed paragraph: * What did you think before about how the circulatory system works? (look back at your initial thoughts) * What did you learn about the circulatory system? Be specific! (look back at your evidence section). * What evidence do you have that you learned this? * Further Thoughts Make sure this is thoughtful and thorough.
* Write a creative 2-3 paragraph story about a blood cells journey through the system