Fetal Stages and Development 3rd Period
Oogenesis The female version of gametogenesis. The formation, development, and maturation of an ovum The first part of oogenasis starts in the germinal epithelium
Spermatagenesis Process by which sperm are made Spermotogonia create spermatocyte through mitosis These undergo meiosis to make spermatid Start in seminiferous tubules, mature in epidermis From puberty until death
Fertilization Occurs in the fallopian tube where sperm meets the egg The sperm then fuses with the egg creating a membrane that doesn’t allow any other sperm to enter the egg Now called a zygote If Y chromosome on sperm then it is a boy if X chromosome on sperm then it is a girl
First 4 weeks One egg is transported into the fallopian tubes The egg becomes fertilized and moves to the uterus The woman needs to have a preconception visit with obgyn to become aware of risks and complications during pregnancy Once egg and sperm join together, an embryo develops Layer of cells outside will be the placenta Layers of inner cells will be the embryo itself Women should take at home pregnancy tests before getting officially tested at doctors Morning sickness
Second Month Baby: ◦Tiny, yet it has a heart, brain, spinal cord, muscle and bones are beginning to develop. ◦The placenta & the amniotic sac is continuing to form. ◦The umbilical cord forms and connects the baby to the mother’s blood supply. Mom: ◦Start to suspect pregnancy if she has not yet figured it out. ◦Might notice early symptoms such as: nausea, soreness in breasts, need to pee more often and feeling more tired than usual.
Third Month Baby ◦Bones begin to ossify/harden ◦Size of peanut ◦Fully formed ◦Eyes are large and open ◦External ears have formed ◦External genitalia begin to differentiate, yet it is difficult to distinguish between a girl or boy without a genetic screening ◦Now called a fetus ◦Lose their tail Mom ◦Symptoms: feels nauseated, mood swings, food cravings, weight gain, heart burns ◦Requires a lot of calcium and nutrients ◦Stretch marks may begin to form ◦People still won’t notice pregnancy, not enough weight is gained yet
Fourth Month Baby: Lateral fissures begin to form Visual cortex develops Baby starts making insulin & bile Sensory and auditory system is developing Mom: Changes in skin, breasts, veins Heart is working twice as hard Breathless and fatigue easier Abdomen starts to bulge Tests: Ultrasound to determine gender, look at nervous system, limbs, heartbeat Alpha-fetoprotein & amniocentesis tests to determine chromosome abnormalities
Fifth Month Growth Spurt! Grows to as much as 12” long and 1 lb. Grows fingernails and hair Bodily hair covering called “laungo” is evident at this point Surrounded by lotion-like liquid layer, “vernix” Heartbeat is clearly heard on a stethoscope and kicking begins during this month.
Sixth Month Baby is 7-8 inches long Weighs anywhere from ounces morning sickness subsides Ankles swell Baby gains fat Mom gains lbs Pregnancy is visible Skin begins stretching
Seventh Month
Eighth Month Baby can hear distinct sounds, familiar voices and music. At 32 weeks pregnant you still experience some of the normal symptoms. The baby is practicing opening his eyes and breathing Uterus fills a large part of abdomen Weekly visits to practitioner (ultrasound) Baby weighs almost four pounds
Last Month Baby has fully developed lungs and is practicing blinking Baby’s brain is developing quickly Arm and leg muscles are strong and toenails/fingernails are in place Moms uterus has filled the pelvis and most of the abdomen pushing everything out of the way Pelvic exams and screening tests
Contraception Methods Contraception is the effectiveness of birth control methods. This is very important in reducing the risk of unintentional pregnancies and std prevention. Examples Birth Control Male and female condoms etc.
STD’s Infections passed from person to person during sexual contact May not be any symptoms for some Many kinds of STD’s Preventions: safe-sex get tested and vaccines Types: HIV/AIDS Hepititis B Warts CMV etc Symptoms: Burning discharge itching sores on genitals vaginal bleeding or pain during intercourse pain in lower abdomen pr testicles Doing nothing puts you at risk You can become infertile or have ectopic pregnacies cervical cancer or infect baby