Most common weighted price index used to calculate inflation. The CPI is calculated four times per year (quarterly) and results from household surveys conducted by Statistics NZ on a regular basis. Prices for a basket of over 700 goods and services are surveyed regularly and in a number of area’s in NZ. These goods are decided upon as to what the ‘average’ NZ household purchases E.g. in 1990 a discman may have been included, BUT in 2009 an ipod would more likely be included instead.
The consumer price index uses a weighting process. Each item in the CPI has a different influence over the final score depending on its importance to families. This is determined by the fraction of their total spending on that item. E.g Families typically spend about 17% of their income on “Food and beverages”. So the food and beverages make up about 17% of the final CPI index.
Areas are weighted according to number of people in each area
These allow us to reduce complicated statistical changes down to one single number. Example: CPI Takes prices for a large ‘bundle’ of goods and calculates an index number that gives good indication of prices and whether inflation or deflation is occurring.
Inflation is calculated from one period to the next (NOT FROM THE BASE YEAR!). This means we need to use our percentage change formula % change = e.g.YearIndexInflation (1072 – 1045) × – 1072 x
It fails to include prices for goods that are difficult to measure, e.g. second hand goods Measures changes in retail prices as they affect the average household… BUT what is the average household? Spending patterns are constantly changing (because our income, tastes and fashions are constantly changing, new goods coming into the market) which creates a problem with weighting various categories of goods and services
Many goods change in design, quality and performance (with ever changing technology), e.g. the computer market- computers and laptops are constantly being improved. It’s an acceptable internationally comparable statistic BUT other countries weightings, basket of goods, and review periods may differ.
Producer price index: measures inflation via the costs of production. The PPI inputs are such things as electricity, fuels, materials, etc Food price index : A measure of the rate of price change of food and food services purchased by households Capital goods price index (CGPI): measures inflation in terms of capital goods (investment goods= used to make other goods and services) e.g. office and accounting machinery, ovens, vehicles, etc.