Ministry of Petroleum and An Ambitious Policy for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage in Norway 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway 19. June 2006 Mr. Odd Roger Enoksen Minister of Petroleum and Energy
Ministry of Petroleum and The Energy Challenge Doubling of electricity demand between 2004 and 2030 Use of oil and gas expected to rise to 60 percent in 2030 Impacts of climate change are increasing IEA-World Energy Outlook 2004 World primary energy demand
Ministry of Petroleum and The Energy Challenge - The Norwegian Scene The Energy Challenge - The Norwegian Scene Energy supply requires increased capacity and less dependence on hydropower Need both renewable energy sources and fossil fuels Carbon dioxide capture and storage an important option
Ministry of Petroleum and A Large Potential for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage IPCC: Economic potential for CCS in the next century between Giga tons of CO 2 Actual application of CCS depends on costs, environmental impacts, public acceptance and technology development, transfer and diffusion
Ministry of Petroleum and Norway in the lead Energy nation Sleipner/Snøhvit Shell, Statoil: Considering the world's largest project using CO 2 for EOR offshore
Ministry of Petroleum and An Ambitious Policy for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage in Norway (1) Co-operate with industry to realize CCS at gas-fired power plants as soon as possible Establish value chain for CO 2 Ambitions to be implemented in a sound manner, economically and legally
Ministry of Petroleum and An Ambitious Policy for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage in Norway (2) Gassco, in collaboration with Petoro and Gassnova, asked to identify potential value chains for CO 2 6 fields on the Norwegian continental shelf candidates for CO 2 injection None of the identified value chains show a positive commercial return
Ministry of Petroleum and Need for further technology development In order for CCS technologies to be introduced on a commercially viable basis, there is a need for further technology development New or improved methods of CO 2 capture can significantly reduce costs Gassnova focuses on a broad portfolio of different technology options Sintef
Ministry of Petroleum and Conclusion CCS important in meeting energy and climate challenges Realizing CCS on a large scale is a very challenging task The Norwegian Government has ambitious goals