Aiming High for Disabled Children: improving data Presentation by Karin Lowson, YHEC, University of York Steve Bowring, City of Bradford MDC
Project objectives What is current state of play What are commonalities in data collected Are there incentives for coordinated models of data capture Identify areas of good practice Make recommendations: To improve collection Collection planning and delivery
Overview of research methodology Literature review Development of tools Undertaking case studies Stakeholder event
Literature review Underpinned case studies Development of tools and areas of examination Complemented findings From which developed data pathway Not full review: identified necessary information Embedded in report Separate report with summary of publications 568 peer reviewed papers identified 165 papers obtained 73 included in review Key policy documents and evaluations
Schematic data pathway: DiCDaP
Data Pathway: Some Questions Is the data pathway a useful construct? Does it usefully link to other cycles? Does it have other purposes, e.g. a training tool? Is it relevant to all sectors?
Case studies To gather a full ‘on the ground’ picture Anonymity guaranteed Provided with local report Eight localities participated Representative of variety of characteristics Representatives from Health, Social care and Education 80 interviews and 100 people involved Wide variety of professionals Collected documentation
Key themes from case studies How disability is defined across an area What and how information is collected and stored How information is shared How information is used Fourteen key findings Eight recommendations Few examples of good practice but many of locally effective practice
Key themes emerging from study What are the incentives for planned and coordinated multi-agency models of data capture and sharing? What are the costs and benefits? How can use be changed from data collection to planning and delivery? How can a holistic end to end approach be encouraged? How might the collection and use of data be established on a sounder basis in the future What are the implications of a national information and IT strategy for local developments? What structures and level of resource would make a difference?