Eccentric Loads (Credit for many illustrations is given to McGraw Hill publishers and an array of internet search results)
Parallel Reading Read section 4.7 in external book
All Our Loads So Far Have Been Applied Pretty Well Through the Centroid What happens to stress when the load is off center?
The Load Breaks Down into Two Components A load right Up the center And a bending Moment Load
The Concentric Load is a Straight- Up Force by Area P Same P’P
The Other Portion is Just Like the Bending Moment We Met This is handy because it allows us to solve the problem of eccentric loading by breaking it into two simple problems we know how to deal with.
Lets Put the Principle to Work 160 lb 0.5 in Going for the Concentric Load Force/ Area Obviously this Is a tensile stress
Now Lets Get the Bending Moment 0.65 in Meet the formula for the moment of Inertia for a circle. We are after the terms of Our main bending stress equation
Finishing Our Bending Maximum Stress 0.25 in
Now Lets Put Those Stress Components Together Here is the first part of our answer.
Now Lets Find that Neutral Axis or Plane But Where is that Axis? The off center loads Will make it want to Spin counter-clockwise The bending moment has to counter that tendency
Solving Our Equation for the Answer in Actually it’s just a little off of the center line.
So Lets See How Hot We Are by Trying an FE Problem Our Solution Basis
Plugging into Our Basis Equation The off center distance The Force Moment of Inertia of a Rectangle
And Sliding into Home! I’m liking D.
Assignment 16 Do problem 4.99 from external book Your work should show the formulas and strategies you are employing to Solve the problem and explain them step by step. Just showing work and An answer is not enough.