Channeling the Power of Industry Using the MD-IDEX Online Appointment Scheduler
MD-IDEX Online Appointment Scheduler The MD-IDEX online appointment scheduler allows: Distributors to schedule up to six face-to-face meetings with exhibiting manufacturers from August 9 through August 30. Exhibiting manufacturers to schedule up to three face-to-face meetings with distributors attending the Industry Summit from September 4 to September 18.
Step 1: Review the list of exhibiting manufacturers. An MD-IDEX exhibitor directory will be ed to the key contact and paid representatives at each distributor member company in mid-August. Beginning in mid-August, the directory can also be downloaded from the PTDA website at
Review the list of exhibiting manufacturers in advance of the scheduler “live” dates. ◦Determine which companies you’d like to meet with during MD-IDEX. ◦Prioritize your choices. Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis—and the most sought-after appointments are gone in a matter of minutes—so you’ll want to make appointments with your top priorities first. ◦Have the list handy when you begin to make appointments (beginning at 10:00 a.m. CDT on August 9). Step 1: Review the list of exhibiting manufacturers.
Any employee of a PTDA member company can access the PTDA website with an address and a password. Access to the website needs to be established before the scheduler becomes available on August 9. To get a password, call PTDA at , or visit and click the login link to create an account, before the scheduler goes live on August 9. Step 2: Verify your PTDA Web site login information.
The MD-IDEX appointment scheduler will be available beginning at 10:00 a.m. Central time on August 9, You will not be able to access the online scheduler until that date and time. You can logon to the website (without accessing the scheduler) using your address and PTDA password before the 10:00 a.m. start time. Step 3: Logon to the MD-IDEX appointment scheduler
Access the scheduler any time after 10:00 a.m. Central on August 9 through August 30, 2013: ◦Directly by clicking the link in the sent in mid-August. ◦From any browser page by entering ◦From the MD-IDEX page on the PTDA website at Step 3: Logon to the MD-IDEX appointment scheduler.
Step 4: Make appointments. The first page will be the MD-IDEX Online Appointment Scheduler page. (This page is only accessible after 10:00 a.m. Central on August 9.) Click on Schedule Appointments (Distributors/Manufacturers Only)
Step 4: Make appointments. If you have not already logged in, you will be asked to log in using your address and PTDA password. You must set this up prior to making appointments.
Step 4: Make appointments. Pete Smith, ABC Distributors Upon logging in, your schedule will appear for you to begin choosing appointments. Scroll to the bottom of the page to begin scheduling appointments.
Step 4: Make appointments. At the “Select an Exhibitor” drop down box, click on the down arrow at the right side of the box to retrieve the list of exhibiting manufacturers. Or, begin typing the company name of the company you identified as a top priority in the Search box to the right of the “Select an Exhibitor” field and click the Search button.
If you clicked on the arrow on the drop down box, a pop-up window will be populated with the exhibiting manufacturers in alphabetical order. Scroll through the list to find the manufacturer you selected as your top priority and click on the company name. Step 4: Make appointments.
Once you have selected the exhibiting manufacturer, the manufacturer’s schedule will be populated—again, at the bottom of the screen.
If an appointment time is available, click on the Take Appointment button in the time slot. Once you have selected the Take Appointment button and the appointment appears on your schedule, this appointment is confirmed. Continue making appointments by selecting an exhibitor and clicking the Take Appointment button until all six appointments have been scheduled. Step 4: Make appointments.
You cannot book appointments: In a time slot if you already have an appointment at that time. During the time slots reserved for exhibitors or during open time. In a time slot for which the manufacturer already has an appointment.
Step 4: Make appointments. Throughout the process, there are no confirming messages. You can confirm the appointment is booked by reviewing your schedule at the top of the screen or by clicking the View My Schedule link at the bottom. Once the exhibitor name appears on your schedule with a Cancel Appointment button next to it, your appointment is firm. You may cancel appointments by clicking on the Cancel Appointment button next to any scheduled appointment.
Step 5: Add your name to the interest list. If an exhibiting manufacturer has no available appointments, you may add your name to that manufacturer’s interest list. This lets the manufacturer know that you would like to speak with them during the Industry Summit. The manufacturer may schedule an appointment with you during the three slots available for manufacturer scheduled appointments or may contact you about meeting during open time.
Step 5: Add your name to the interest list. To add your name to a manufacturer’s interest list, click on the Add Yourself to Exhibitor’s Interest List link at the bottom of the specific manufacturer’s schedule. This exhibitor will then appear in the Interest List area on your schedule, and your company will appear in the Interest List area of the exhibitor’s schedule.
Print or download a copy of your schedule: Click View Your Schedule at the bottom of the page. Click Print This Page found in the upper left side of the screen. Click Export My Appointment Schedule to PDF to save it and send it to others. Step 6: Check your schedule, especially after Sept. 18th.
MD-IDEX scheduling for distributors closes on August 30. You can make changes to your schedule through that date. Any changes needed after that date must be handled by PTDA’s staff. Scheduling for manufacturers opens on September 4 and runs through September 18. Check your MD-IDEX schedule after September 18 to see if any manufacturers have scheduled appointments with you or have added your company to their interest list. You are expected to arrive at the manufacturer’s MD-IDEX booth at the scheduled appointment time. Step 6: Check your schedule, especially after Sept. 18th.
Questions? If you have any questions regarding the MD-IDEX appointment scheduling process or about logging in, please contact PTDA at: