Middle Ages (medium aevum) 1)The Middle Ages matter because the modern western, European world took shape during the Middle Ages; 2)Modern Western European civilization is extremely peculiar, in comparison with other ancient or contemporary civilizations; 3)These peculiarities, which continue to shape our lives today, arose during the Middle Ages for reasons having to do with the particular history of western Europe between 400 and 1648.
Cellarius, 17 th century German university professor (historia antiqua, historia medii aevi, historia nova) Successors to Rome and Greece – Medieval Europe, Islam, and Byzantium Themes: 1)The distinction between religion and politics; 2)“Constitutionalism” - the notion that governmental power rests on the consent of the governed; that government itself is an artificial, contractual entity; and that governmental power is therefore inherently limited in its claims over individuals 3)The position, status, and power of women in western European society. Sacral kingship Constitutionalism
Roman Culture Diarchy Romanitas Temple of Vesta / Vestal Virgins Pontifex maximus Pantheon Polytheism Paterfamilias