Student Collective Learning for Sustainable Development Decision-Making in the Future Organizations PhD. student Gintarė Valinevičienė, Institute of Educational Studies, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Prof. Palmira Jucevičienė, Institute of Educational Studies, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania,
The problem What universities should do to promote collective learning for sustainable development (SD) decision-making in the future organizations?
Objectives: how SD decisions are made in organizations? what is the importance of collective learning in SD decision-making? how to develope students' collective learning for SD decision-making in university?
who? SD decision-making in organizations: who? Diversity in: roles – approaches – backgrounds Common understanding Decision makers Internal advicers External advicers
what, why, how? SD decision-making in organizations: what, why, how? Information based-decisions; Open-ended process; Evolving process.
building the common understanding Collective learning in organization: building the common understanding
Learning for sustainable developement Type 1 – learning about (linear learning) ; Type 2 – learning to choose alternatives, (based on the present); Type 3 – learning for changing situations (critical thinking, reflection and collective learning, empowerement).
What universities all over the world do? 1) integrate SD curriculum or content that is anchored to the daily lives and interests of participants; 2) enchance an overt interest in progressive social, political and structural change and in strengthening resistance and values; 3) apply pedagogy that emphasises collective rather than individual learning and development.
Changing paradigms: the balance of teaching and learning Traditional (teaching) paradigm Contemporary (interaction) paradigm Modern (learning) paradigm
Instead of conclusions: what can you do for ESD? DO‘s Integrate SD curriculum: Science and reaserch based curriculum; Real-life situations; Values; Systematic approach. Empower your students: Create supportive educational environment; Teach them how to learn; Apply active methods (ex. problem based, project learning); Scafold student learning; Value students uniqe expirience. DON‘Ts Diversify SD curriculum; Apply teacher-oriented teaching; Leave lots of space for uncertainty; Asses only reproductive knowledge.
Thank you for your attention! Any quiestions, please? Discussion is welcome!