CRIME MAPPING A DATA-DRIVEN PROCESS FOR MORE EFFECTIVE OUTCOMES Target Focused Comprehensive Strategies Baseline Data Baseline Data that is Measurable Communication Infrastructure for Collaboration Better Resource Allocation & Informed Crime Reduction Decisions Accountability Slide 1
Jackson County, MO Slide 3
All Part I Crime Occurrences Slide 4
COMBAT LOGIC MODEL Need/ProblemProjects/ActivitiesOutputsLong Term Outcome Drugs have a negative effect on Jackson County—both in terms of public safety and economically Determine Unmet needs Fund and monitor Treatment, Prevention, Anti-Violence, & Criminal Justice programs Evaluate success People are served throughout Jackson County Drug use is reduced in Jackson County Drug Crimes are reduced in Jackson County Violent crime is a problem throughout Jackson County Gather information on where the problem occurs Fund and monitor Treatment, Prevention and Criminal Justice related programs Evaluate success Programs address specific populations, types and geographic areas associated with violent crime. Funded programs are successful in reducing their areas of violent crime.