Evaluating simulated vegetation distributions and characteristics Andrew D. Friend, Tim Tito Rademacher, ISI-MIP2 biomes teams, etc. 1
Evergreen rainforest CARAIB JULES LPJmLORCHIDEE 2
Observed vegetation/biomes SYNMAP (Jung et al., 2006) MODIS MOD_BU (Gao et al., 2008) IGBP DISCover (Loveland et al., 2000, IJRS ) Haxeltine and Prentice (1996) Olson et al. (1985) 3
Friend (2010) JXB 4
Vegetation types Friend (2010) JXB From IGBP DISCover land cover (Loveland et al., 2000, IJRS ) 5
Observed biomass Saatchi et al. (2011) GLAS, tropics, trees Thurner et al. (2014) BIOMASAR GSV, higher N lats, trees Liu et al. (2015) (Passive μ wave) N Carvalhais et al. Nature 000, 1-5 (2014) doi: /nature
Observed leaf area MODIS MOD_BU (Gao et al., 2008) Friend (2010) JXB 7
Observed canopy height Global map of forest height produced from NASA's ICESAT/GLAS, MODIS and TRMM sensors. The map will advance our understanding of Earth's forest habitats and their role in Earth's carbon cycle. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech 8
Filters Woody fraction (MODIS Vegetation Continuous Field) Anthropogenically-modified lands removed using MIRCA 9
Simulated carbon residence time in ISI-MIP2 global vegetation models No. models within interquartile range of observed interquartile range 10
Vegetation Soil Total ALL vs. obs +30% − 52% − 39% Modelled Observed Soil (T) −− − Soil (P) 0 −−− Vegetation (T) +++ − Vegetation (P) ++ + Simulated carbon residence time in ISI-MIP2 global vegetation models 11
Residence time and forest cover CARAIB JULESLPJmL ORCHIDEE GLAS+GSV passive μ wave 12