Not everyone develops at the same rate The development of the body is an occurrence that occurs at its own time, at its own rate We should appreciate our uniqueness, and demonstrate sensitivity to others
Each body is a gift from God You have the responsibility to care for your own body God created humankind in His own image (love and truth), male and female He created them all
Our sexuality is a gift from God The rules that the Church gives are about ways of protecting and honouring this gift God invented sex, he is not anti-sex However, it is about being responsible about this gift
Our sexuality is part of what makes us complete people made in the image of God Sexual love should be total, life long, and life- giving (procreation), in the sacrament of marriage
Body: our physical self Soul: the inner most aspect of the person – the spirit (our metaphysical self) God cares for us body and soul The body and soul are united, yet the soul does not perish
After death, the body and soul will be reunited at the final resurrection (Revelations, Ragnarok, Apocalypse, Armageddon) The way we treat our bodies affects our eternal self (our soul), as well as our relationship with God and with others
When you see someone as appealing because of his or her physical looks and gender This is based on a chemical reaction due to the reproductive system releasing hormones Sexual Attraction