KEC Corporation 2012 년 하반기 인턴 채용설명회
History of KEC Global Manufacturing & Sales Network Market Status Vision
Seoul Head OfficeGumi Factory
Established Toshiba-Korea Started to produce transistors Established Korea Television Co., Ltd Started to produce semiconductor chips Started to produce color TVs Established KEC-Thailand Co., Ltd Certification of ISO9002 for semiconductor Gold prize at the national quality team contest. President Award Award of Excellence for SAW filter at 4 th Electronic Product Development of 20 th century Best Supplier Award received by KEC-T plant in Thailand Received the 10 th Electronic Part Technology Grand Award Received New Media Grand Award(for Enterprise)
TSPS Jeonju, Korea KEC Thailand Wuxi Semiconductor, China KEC Zhongshan, China Wuxi KEC, China KEC Gumi, Korea Headquarter FAB Assembly Tokyo Osaka Seoul, korea Shanghai Taiwan Hongkong Bankok Malaysia Singapore California Tianjin Qingdao Wuxi Shenzhen HQSales Branch(6)Sales Office(7) Globalization for Manufacturing, Sales, and Technology Development
Excellence of the Market status High Technology and Know-how World wide Market share Possibility of Product Diversification
JAPAN ASIAUSA/EURO PE KORE A The whole world is our stage!!