How do you add, subtract, multiply, & divide real numbers? Sections 1-5 & 1-6
Free Template from Addition & Subtraction Look at the sign in front of the numbers Same sign-add the numbers and keep the same sign on the answer Different signs-Subtract the numbers and keep the sign of the larger number for the answer
Examples Find each sum. Free Template from
Examples Find each difference. Free Template from
Multiplying & Dividing + · - = - (positive times negative = negative) - · + = - (negative times positive = negative) - · - = + (negative times negative = positive) + ÷ - = - (positive divided by negative = negative) - ÷ + = - (negative divided by positive = negative) - ÷ - = + (negative divided by negative = positive) Free Template from
Examples Find each product or quotient Free Template from