Members Training How to solve a problem and keys to Personal Develoment. Buidling our team culture- key attributes Building your business and the importance of building 2500 vp +
FOUR STEPS TO SUCCESS -4 step in the quest for personal Development 1.Good Ideas Ideas are the life seed of enterprise Never cease your quest for Knowledge Ideas can be life changing – Keep a log- a journal of ideas- these are an extension of your learning library
FOUR STEPS TO SUCCESS -4 step in the quest for personal Development 2. GOOD PLANS Be a student of good plans They are important as they take the ideas to the Market place Ideas without plans forever hang like an artist's rendering (sketch) they never become – they never become a reality “im asking you too, develop good plans, good discipline activity plans” Riches don’t come by crossing your fingers and walking through your days hoping”
FOUR STEPS TO SUCCESS -4 step in the quest for personal Development 3.THE PASSING OF TIME We must learn to handle time Sometimes waiting from the spring to fall is difficult to handle When you planted the spring and the creditors are on you in the summer and have a tendency to walk out into the field and say “GROW CROP GROW” Learn to wait – Part of success is PATIENCE WE MUST LEARN PATIENCE
FOUR STEPS TO SUCCESS -4 step in the quest for personal Development 4. Solving Problems “Success is simply solving problems” Everybody’s got a list of Problems Problem Solving is where enterprise comes from – this is where you build worth and Wealth “the matter of getting to the moon and back was simply a matter of solving problems 1. How to get there 2 How to get back Some things are complicated, but if you take it one piece at a time – SOLVE THE PROBLEMS PIECE BY PIECE – THEN PUT IT BACK TOGETHER Doing this you cant believe what enterprise you can build- the life you can build – and the skills you can build …. Take one piece at a time, master it, then put it back
FOUR STEPS TO SUCCESS -4 step in the quest for personal Development Put it on paper Thoughts Outline the problem Focus and then zero in- State the actual problem ASK “is that all of it” –don’t dwell on it but ou must state it, define it clearly so that you can solve it.what 3 SIMPLE QUESTIONS 1 what can I do ? 2. What can I read? 3. Who can I ask
THE 5 ABILTIES – to skilfully attack the market place to do well Learn to concentrate on these 5 ABILTIES 1. ABSORB Soak in, take in, be like a sponge, it’s easy to day dream- BE WHERE YOU ARE NOW- Important to really take attention of what is going on- it builds champions Most people just get through the Day.. “LEARN TO GET FROM THE DAY”
THE 5 ABILTIES – to skilfully attack the market place to do well 2. RESPOND Be affected by what you see – see your community see whats happen RESPOND TO THEIR NEEDS feel whats happening, what you see and what you hear- this will fuel your passion –to do more Success is not just Knowleadge – Success is RESPONSE TO KNOWLEADGE SUCEES is not just experience – Success is EMOTION created y experience –GET emotionally attached to your “WHY” It’s the emotion that plays a major part in our FUTURE AND OUR SUCCESS
THE 5 ABILTIES – to skilfully attack the market place to do well 3. REFECLT Abiltiy to reflect – extra way of getting more VALUE from what you know and what you have been through- Take a few mins each day- Go over your day Take a few hours each week Take half a day a the end of the Month Take a weekend at the end of the Year What did you do? What did you see? What did you hear? What did you feel? –Review who you are with- actions you took- descions you made- IN doing this you will become more Valuable for your future – THIS IS INVESTMENT INTO YOUR FUTURE – INVEST IN YOURSELF
THE 5 ABILTIES – to skilfully attack the market place to do well 4. ACT Take ACTION ON YOUR KNOWLEADGE, IDEAS, Plans Have disciplined Action Without Acvity- ideas and dreams have no life DISCIPLINED ACTION TAKE CHARGE Ten years from now you will have Arrived! WHERE IS UP TO YOU/ NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX THE NEXT 10 YEARS
THE 5 ABILTIES – to skilfully attack the market place to do well 5. SHARE 5 th quest for skills that Create Success in the MARKET PLACE IS the abilty to share “ when we share we are bigger and better for it” “It seems if you share/ give it away you have less but that is a paradox- WHAT YOU SHARE CREATES MORE Ways of sharing – Share Language / what and how you say it/ THE STUDY OF COMMUNICATION is one of the MOST IMPORTANT STUDIES FOR YOU HOW TO AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE WITH WORDS
OUR TEAM CULTURE 4 key areas clients and EACH OTHER 1. building a strong relationship based on trust and integrity 2. Community change/ WORKING AS A LARGER COMMUNITY TEAM 3.Consumer results driven 4. Recognition of everybody Love, Respect, Pulling our weight, doing our JOB FOR THE WHOLE TEAM….. “WHAT DOES THIS MEAN” REFELCT ON YOUR ROLE HOW ARE YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL CREATING AND DUPLICATING THIS IN YOUR TEAM -How can you individually make more of an impact to develop a stronger culture using these values?
IMPORTANCE OF 2500 VP All Supervisors building a team want to have a minimum of 2500 VP every month to receive your full % pay from Herbalife. NEVER STOP AT 2500VP KEEP GOING SHOW YOUR TEAM THE WAY- In reaching a min you are always in requalification for Supervisor status and are helping yourself build a stable business – also are bening part of the team goal which is the help each and every one reach their dreams, goals and Dersires. In doing this you teach your team to build a strong business and move up plan as well. Always check out the qualification for the yearly holiday level 3 and work toward this, in doing that and working consistently you will build a solid and stable business If you are TAB team talk to your sponsor to find out more
How to build 2500 2500 house VP VP personal 500 vp existing consumer ( retail follow up )= 5 people EATING 100 VP 500 VP new Consumer ( new retail – from USE, WEAR, TALK) 5 New people = eating 100 VP 500 VP existing business Partner = only 1 existing Business member with 4 retail consumer each eating 100 VP 500 VP new Business Partner = Only 1 New Business member with 4 New retail customer all eating 100vp each IMAGINE IF YOU HAVE 5 VIP MEMBERS ALL WANTING TO HELP 4 PEOPLE EACH – PER MONTH AND THEN THEY GET INTO THE SYSTEM AND START GROWING THERE BUSINESS PATNERS Imagine you do this every month = soon 2500 VP will be 10,000 VP