DLST Technical Assistance for Focus Schools in conjunction with the Office of School Improvement and the School-University Research Network (SURN) at The College of William & Mary: Student Engagement Protocol Data Presentations April 2015 Facilitated by Jennifer Hindman, Yvonne Holloman, Tia McClenney Jan Rozzelle, Lucia Sebastian 1
Welcome Share your successes by listing them on the posters located on the walls Example SURN has been invited to present at the July 2015 Visible Learning Conference in San Antonio, TX. Jenny Hindman has published “Effective Teacher Interviews” through the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Lucia Sebastian will share Principal Academy information as a member of the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center (ARCC) Board in June
Getting to Know You PEOPLE SEARCH BINGO Review the BINGO card: 5 categories - 4 focused on student engagement and formative feedback; 1 “just for fun” Find a partner, engage in discussion about an item and exchange responses. Sign your colleagues’ form and move on to another colleague. When you BINGO, show your card to a SURN staffer for your prize. Keep networking until time runs out! 3
Aggregate Data Presentation 4 Dr. Jan Rozzelle School-University Research Network (SURN) The College of William & Mary
X Student Engagement Observations + X Effective Teacher Pedagogy Observations X Total Observations Aggregate Data SURN Indicators of Student Engagement
Action Research Presentations Go to Your Corners Take your presentation device and handouts to your designated table. Feedback Cards and copies of each participant’s PowerPoint slide are included on each. Designate a timekeeper. Each participant will have 5-7 minutes to present their Action Research. Complete your Feedback Card. Each team will report out.
Take your presentation device to your designated area. A SURN facilitator is assigned to each group. 1.If you are assigned to Room 1111, please follow. 2.If you are assigned to Room 3011, please follow Jenny. Feedback Cards and copies of each participant’s PowerPoint slide are included for each group. Designate a timekeeper. Each participant will have 5-7 minutes to present their Action Research. Complete your Feedback Card. Each team will report out. 7 Action Research Presentations Go to Your Corners
Superintendent Remarks The Importance of the Principal Being the Lead Learning Leader of the School 8
Lunch Bell The next session will begin at 1:00 p.m. Lunch Activity: Professional Reading of John Hattie’s High Impact Leadership Article: Identify take-aways, thoughts, musings, and/or quotes.
Give One, Get One After reading the Hattie article, take the next 20 minutes to complete the Give One, Get One. Identify take-aways, thoughts, musings, and/or quotes about the article you read and write in the “To Give” cell. Pair up, when cued, with someone with a different colored piece of paper to exchange ideas. Record your notes in a “Gotten” cell.
11 Reflecting on High Impact Leadership
Student Engagement Gallery Walk Directions: Teams will collaborate to think about specific behaviors, actions or examples of student engagement. Take 2-3 minutes to brainstorm and record examples on each poster. Write your ideas on the twelve large posters that present 12 high impact strategies. Teams will rotate through the posters adding new examples until time is called. Each principal will receive a set of posters!
Reflecting on the Process Take a minute to think about the Gallery Walk using the Indicators of Student Engagement. Write a quick journal entry to note ways you may use the posters in a PD in your school with your teachers. Teams may take 4-5 minutes to share their ideas. 13
Exit Ticket Directions Identify a recorder to take notes in an to as a bulleted list for each List specific activities and resources that benefited your work as you discuss with your table mates Review the notes and send to by 2:10 1.Reflection: How did the SURN Principal Academy experience support your faculty and you increasing student achievement? 2.Moving forward-What are your lessons learned from focusing on student engagement that you’ll incorporate next year? 3.What would you suggest for improving new principals being introduced to this model of a Principal Academy? 14
Let’s Celebrate! Trade your evaluation for your personalized certificates 15
Thank you for your dedication and hard work this year! Please complete your evaluation form and return it and your nametag to the bins located outside. Completion of Evaluation