Welcome to Science class.
Topic 1 Fronts
Topic 2 Winds
Topic 3 Weather
Topic 4 Vocabulary
Topic 5 Fossil Fuels
Topic 6 Miscellaneous
Jeopardy FrontsWindsWeather Vocabulary Fossil Fuels Random Final Jeopardy
$100 Question Topic 1 The term for a cold air mass that meets and pushes a Warm air mass out of its way.
$100 Answer Topic 1 What is a cold front?
$200 Question Topic 1 The type of front that begins with drizzly precipitation and is followed by warm, clear, sunny weather.
$200 Answer Topic 1 What is a warm front?
$300 Question Topic 1 The type of front that forms when a warm air mass is trapped between tow cold air masses and is forced to rise.
$300 Answer Topic 1 What is an occluded front?
$400 Question Topic 1 The type of front that occurs when a warm air mass meets and rises over a cold air mass replacing the cold air mass.
$400 Answer Topic 1 What is a warm front?
$500 Question Topic 1 The front that forms when a warm air mass meets a cold air mass and neither has enough force to push the other out of the way.
$500 Answer Topic 1 What is a stationary front?
$100 Question Topic 2 A breeze that is created at night when the cool air from a mountain top sinks into the valley below.
$100 Answer Topic 2 What is a mountain breeze?
$200 Question Topic 2 The local wind caused by cool air moving from the land towards the water.
$200 Answer Topic 2 What is a land breeze?
$300 Question Topic 2 The local wind caused by cool air moving from the sea towards the land.
$300 Answer Topic 2 What is a sea breeze?
$400 Question Topic 2 The local wind that is created during the day when the warm air from the valley moves up toward the mountain.
$400 Answer Topic 2 What is a valley breeze?
$500 Question Topic 2 The name for winds that generally move short distances and can blow from any direction.
$500 Answer Topic 2 What are local winds?
$100 Question Topic 3 The lines on a weather map that connect points of equal pressure.
$100 Answer Topic 3 What are isobars?
$200 Question Topic 3 The term for a small, intense weather system capable of producing strong winds, heavy rain, lightning and thunder.
$200 Answer Topic 3 What is a thunderstorm?
$300 Question Topic 3 The weather associated with a low pressure system.
$300 Answer Topic 3 What is cloudy weather? Rainy?
$400 Question Topic 3 The type of weather associated with a high pressure system.
$400 Answer Topic 3 What is clear weather?
$500 Question Topic 3 The phenomena that are caused by the cyclical heating and cooling of the Pacific Ocean.
$500 Answer Topic 3 What are El Nino and La Nina?
$100 Question Topic 4 The term for the boundary between two different air masses.
$100 Answer Topic 4 What is a front?
$200 Question Topic 4 The term for a prediction of the weather conditions over the next three to five days.
$200 Answer Topic 4 What is a weather forecast?
$300 Question Topic 4 The term for a person who studies the weather.
$300 Answer Topic 4 What is a meteorologist?
$400 Question Topic 4 The term for drilling for oil or natural gas that is located Beneath the ocean floor.
$400 Answer Topic 4 What is offshore drilling?
$500 Question Topic 4 The term for the place where crude oil is processed into other products, such as kerosene and gasoline.
$500 Answer Topic 4 What is a refinery?
$100 Question Topic 5 The fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of plants.
$100 Answer Topic 5 What is coal?
$200 Question Topic 5 Fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and petroleum are burned as part of this cycle.
$200 Answer Topic 5 What is the carbon cycle?
$300 Question Topic 5 The term for the burning of fossil fuels.
$300 Answer Topic 5 What is combustion?
$400 Question Topic 5 Most of the carbon released in the carbon cycle ends up here.
$400 Answer Topic 5 What is the atmosphere?
$500 Question Topic 5 The term for a resource that is being used up at a rate much faster than it is being created.
$500 Answer Topic 5 What is a non-renewable resource?
$100 Question Topic 6 The thing created by the uneven heating of the earth by the sun, which creates pressure differences around the globe.
$100 Answer Topic 6 What is wind?
$200 Question Topic 6 The term for the gradual increase in temperatures around the globe.
$200 Answer Topic 6 What is global warming?
$300 Question Topic 6 The gas that helps to increase the greenhouse effect which raises global temperatures.
$300 Answer Topic 6 What is carbon dioxide?
$400 Question Topic 6 The latitude of the doldrums.
$400 Answer Topic 6 What is 0* which is at the equator?
$500 Question Topic 6 The term for the motion of the earth turning on its axis.
$500 Answer Topic 6 What is rotation?
Final Jeopardy Topic Seasons
Final Jeopardy Question The term for the day of the year when the hours of darkness are equal to the hours of daylight.
Final Jeopardy Answer What is an equinox?
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