B. Golob, Experimental Summary 1/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Boštjan Golob University of Ljubljana/Jožef Stefan Institute Belle/Belle II Collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 1/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Boštjan Golob University of Ljubljana/Jožef Stefan Institute Belle/Belle II Collaboration Experimental Workshop Summary University of Ljubljana “Jožef Stefan” Institute IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary Introduction Spectroscopy (Rare) decays D 0 Oscillations and CPV Facilities General comments

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 2/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Introduction Inclusive Neutrals E miss Summary Summary of Charm Physics in 25 minutes: O (40) exp. presentations with ~ 5 O (30 s) / present. O (5 s) / result useless to try to give an overview of presentations  completely personal(ized) view and summary Indico Sun Indico Mon

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 3/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Spectroscopy IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary D s1 (2700) D sJ (2860) presentation by A. Palano LHCb, JHEP1210, 151 (2012) presentation by J. Brodzicka Belle, preliminary, 978 fb-1 Cleo, PRD62, (2000) Spectroscopy open charm also extensive & detailed study of S, P, D & F D states; open (basic) questions Br(  c  pK  ) last meas. in 2000, (~ ±25%  ±5%)

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 4/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 y. 2003: „new“ spectroscopy; since then abundance of new states and „states“ at e + e - and hadron machines; systematic study? e.g. B  KX not only „genuine“ spectroscopy, also other studies; similar for e + e - ? (need also prediction to compare to...) Spectroscopy IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary Spectroscopy Belle, PRL91, (2003) X(3872) prepared by R. Faccini, S. Olsen, E. Swanson, for PBFB, to be published NS presentation by S. Neubert LHCb, Eur.Phys.J. C73, 2462 (2013) LHCb, arXiv: CMS, JHEP 04, 154 (2013) presentation by C. Yuan BESIII, preliminary Z C (4020)

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 5/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 leptonic decays (Super)B factories: method to reconstruct exclusive charm decays in similar manner as at cc threshold (pioneered by ) inclusive D s samples: D s  (Rare) decays IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary presentation by A. Zupanc Belle, PRL 100, (2008) Belle, arXiv:

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 6/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 rare decays Br(D 0  +  - ) 20x improvement in U.L.: Br(D 0  +  - ) < 6.2x10-9 (90% C.L.) (Rare) decays IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary presentation by E. Greening LHCb, PLB 725 (2013) 1 fb-1

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 7/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 D mixing and charm CPV IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary D 0 Oscillations and CPV in Charm Sector what is (experimentally) difficult about CPV? d s ucuc CP Violation in Meson Decays, in J. Beringer et al., RPP, PRD86, (2012); following from L. Wolfenstein, PRL51, 1945 (1983) and A.J. Buras et al., PRD50, 3433 (1994) not easy to find..... L. Wolfenstein, PRL51, 1945 (1983)

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 8/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 D mixing and charm CPV IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary D 0 Oscillations and CPV in Charm Sector new from LHCb: D 0  K +  - LHCb, preliminary, 3.0 fb-1 x‘ 2 [10 -3 ] y‘ [10 -3 ] D 0 /D 0 -1 D -1 presentation by L. Sun & S. Borghi D 0  KK/  update of measurement using 3.0 fb -1 ; not just increase of statistics; changed trigger selection criteria, CPV search; LHCb, prleim., LHCb PAPER , 1.0 fb-1

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 9/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 D 0 Oscillations and CPV in Charm Sector after all great results from LHCb.... „...ask not what your country can do for you— ask what you can do for your country.“ J.F. Kennedy, inaugural address, Jan 20th, 1961 „...ask not what can do for you— CHARM PHYSICS ask what you can do for CHARM PHYSICS.“ D mixing and charm CPV IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary CPV asymmetries in individual modes A CP (D +  K S  + ) D 0    0 Belle, PRL 109, (2012) Belle, preliminary especially in neutral ones presentation by A. Schwartz

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 10/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 D 0 Oscillations and CPV in Charm Sector average projection to indirect CPV observables (|q/p|,  ) plane before Charm 2013 including Charm 2013 results no ,|q/p|~ O (0.1) x=( )% y=( )% D mixing and charm CPV IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary LHCb, K  preliminary, 3.0 fb-1 LHCb, KK preliminary, 1.0 fb-1 CDF, prelim., CDF Note 10990, 9.6 fb-1 HFAG, xorg/hfag/charm/index.html for details see (in ~ week time, A. Schwartz busy replacing Sir Alex Ferguson...) presentations by I. Bertram, L. Sun &S. Borghi

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 11/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 General IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary Experimental charm physics.....where we‘ve been since ~5-10 years ago: increased (should one say renewed?) interest in charm, many reasons for this - provides unique opportunity to study FCNC of up-like quarks - huge data samples available (courtesy of B factories) many measurements seriously (re)started after B factories realized the potential of their charm sample, remember  c (2S) Crystall Ball (1982)  Belle (2002) Focus (2000)  (y CP )~1.6%  BaBar, Belle (2007) evidence for D 0 mixing  BaBar (2013)  (y CP ) ~ 0.22% : : last but not least year # Charm workshop 74 ± ±  presentation by N. Neri presentation by J. Zhang

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 12/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 General IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary „If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest..“ Publilius Syrus, Latin writer, 1st century BC decrease of ambition: penta(quarks)  tetra(quarks) “At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.” Salvador Dalí, Spanish painter, increase of ambition: CPV in B decay  CPV in D decay A CP (B +  K S  + )=(-1.5 ± 1.9)% A CP (D +  K S  + )=(-0.41 ± 0.09)% BESIII, PRL110, (2013) HFAG (2013) Zaus, PLB591, 7 (2004) BaBar data, J. Coleman, thesis SLAC-R-925 (2005) success m(K S p) presentation by C. Yuan and Z. Liu

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 13/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 General IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics: the Sci-Fi version: ~10 years ago two allien scouts from planet Earth were sent to planet Heavy Flavour: Houston

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 14/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 General IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics: reported findings: extremely interesting STOP not only B and  STOP also charm STOP ready for further investigation STOP

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 15/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 General IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics: response from Earth immediate and strong:

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 16/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 important tasks (existing facilities) by next Charm (?) observation of ICPV in charm(|q/p|,  )  (  )~0.05 rad (model independent) K S , (need BESIII  observation of DCPV (in some modes)  (  A CP )~ -1 charged modes  (A CP (D +  + 3fb -1 neutral modes  (A CP (D 0   0  0 1ab -1 x, y precise determintationto the extent needed by CPV asymmetries (or for x/y = A M / 2 tan  ) classification of new („exotic“) states systematic studies of (at least) some selected states (X(3872), Z(3900)?) comparison to LQCD? also production properties at hadron and e + e - (rare decays): lowering limits, observation of some modes B(D 0  )<3.5 x10 fb -1,B(D +  ) m(  )  (B(D 0  ))~7%,  (B(D 0  ))~20% General IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary Experimental charm physics.... where we‘re heading... reply to Alex Lenz: definitely theorists should work harder.... presentations by L. Li, Y. Zheng presentations by M. Charles, S. Gregson, A. Schwartz presentations by S. Neubert, C. Yuan presentations by B. Viaud, E. Greening

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 17/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Future IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics:...why Sci-Fi? well, Fiction. All the rest in the future is science:  + other upgrades BESIII to run for further ~10 years presentation by Z. Qin

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 18/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 electrons (7GeV) positrons (4 GeV) K L and muon detector: Resistive Plate Counter (barrel outer layers)Scintillator + WLS Fiber + SiPM (end-caps, inner 2 barrel layers) Particle Identification Time-of-Propagation counter (barrel);Prox. focusing Aerogel RICH (forward) Central Drift Chamber He(50%):C 2 H 6 (50%), small cells, long lever arm, fast electronics EM Calorimeter: CsI(Tl), waveform sampling (barrel) Pure CsI + waveform sampling (end- caps) Vertex Detector 2 layers DEPFET + 4 layers DSSD Beryllium beam pipe 2 cm diameter Future IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics: and then presentation by G. Mohanty 2016 ab -1 :  (B(D s  ))~2-3%  (A CP (D s   ))~0.7%

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 19/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Future IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics: and then  presentation by S. Lange

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 20/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Future IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics: and then presentation by A. Contu   (A  )~0.05x10 -3

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 21/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 Future IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary (Last decade of) Charm Physics: and then (?)  presentation by M. Giorgi bringing charm threshold measurements to the next level L >10 35 cm -2 s -1 two projects, Novosibirsk and Italy (Tor Vergata) Charm/Tau factory

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 22/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 At the end... IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary Charm Physics: has a good program and motivation for the near future measurements has an active theory community working on predictions improvements has less running experiments (BES III) but more (re)starting soon (LHCb, Belle II, Panda,.....) has PhD students and postdocs producing new results from the so far recorded data

B. Golob, Experimental Summary 23/23Charm‘13, Manchester, Sep 2013 At the end... IntroductionInclusive Neutrals E miss Summary Charm Physics community: thanks the Charm 2013 organizers at the and especially to for the perfect organization.