T HE B ASICS OF THE S TATE What is the “state”? What are some of the theories surrounding its creation? What is “public policy”?
WHAT IS “ THE STATE ” The “ state ” is the dominant political unit in our world today Def: A body of people living in a defined territory and organized under a government, who has the power to make public policy
WHAT IS “ PUBLIC POLICY ” ? Public policy is (1) all the goals a government sets and (2) all the actions a government takes to meet the needs of its citizens
The Massacre of European Protestants during the Reformation, 1500’s
Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer at his trial in 1991
Highway construction in New York State, cir. 2004
A couple surveying the destruction of their neighborhood following Hurricane Katrina, 2005
The terror attacks on the World Trade Center, 2001
WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS OF A STATE? States typically are defined by four (4) basic elements: 1. Population 2. Territory 3. Sovereignty 4. Government
WHAT IS “ POPULATION ” ? States need to have citizens in order to participate & follow its public policy Populations can be: Homogeneous - Citizens share common customs, language, and culture Heterogeneous - Citizens lack common customs language, and culture
WHAT IS “ TERRITORY ” ? States need defined and recognized borders Borders help to mark areas of ownership, citizenship, and state control when dealing with other peoples or states
WHAT IS “ SOVEREIGNTY ” ? States need supreme and absolute power within its own territory If a state lacks sovereignty, it can not make or execute effective public policy
WHAT IS “ GOVERNMENT ” ? States need government to help make and enforce public policy Without government, the lives of citizens would be “ a war of every man ”
What are some of the major theories about how government started? There are four (4) major theories about how government got started: 1. The Force Theory 2. The Evolution Theory 3. The Divine Right Theory 4. The Social Contract Theory
What are the major theories about how government was started? The Force Theory States were created by powerful leaders who forced people to accept their sovereignty Historical Examples: The Romans Nazi Germany Soviet Union
What are the major theories about how government was started? The Evolution Theory States grew out of family groups and placed sovereignty in the hands of the oldest and wisest Historical Examples: Native American tribes Brazilian tribal societies
What are the major theories about how government was started? The Divine Right Theory God created the state and gave those of royal birth sovereignty over the state Historical Examples: The royal families of Europe Chinese emperor Aztec / Incan Societies
What are the major theories about how government was started? The Social Contract Theory The idea that citizens agreed to give up some of their freedoms so that the state could better serve their needs Historical Examples: The United States Modern democracies
How have states used these theories to create working governments? States have taken all of these theories into consideration when creating working governments No two have been alike and all are different
What are ethics? What roles does ethics play in the making of public policy? What types of ethical systems exist?
What are “ethics”? Ethics are standards of moral conduct that individuals and groups set for themselves Define what is right or wrong How things should be handled Defines character traits / life standards
How do ethics influence public policy / politics? Political ethics involve making moral judgments about political actions and political agendas The ethics of elected office The ethics of policy The ethics of the law
What creates a politicians ethic al code? Many influencers: Upbringing / family Personal values Experiences Education Society’s legal system Religious faith Goal / aspirations
How do politicians use ethics in the making of public policy? In the making of public policy, politicians must weigh their own ethical code carefully Issues of power Issues of justice Religious / societal issues Issues of law
What is the history of ethics in political thought? Plato (428 BC-348 BC) The Republic (380 BC) Those who rule must do so wisely & well Identified as children Intensive training Cultivate an “incorruptible nature”
What is the history of ethics in political thought? Niccolò Machiavelli ( ) The Prince (1513) Leaders must be willing to do what is right, even if it is un-ethical “Ways justify the means”
What is the history of ethics in political thought? Michael Walzer (1935-present) Princeton University The “dirty hands” theory In order to do what is right, politicians must get their “hand’s dirty”
The “Dirty Harry” Theory
Politics & ethics belong to different realms of life Ethics = private life Power = political life Ethics are useful only as a “cover-up” to the ugly facts of politics Real rules of power have little to do with ethics or morality “Nice guys finish last” – If you are a moral person, you will loose in politics What is a political “realist”?
The Use of Guantanamo Bay / “Enhanced Interrogation” techniques
The Use of Killer Drones
What is the history of ethics in political thought? Dennis Thompson (1940-present) Harvard University Politicians are held to higher ethical standard then average people “No man is above the law”
The Watergate Scandal
Ethics and politics are inseparable Politicians must be ethical to ensure a society’s social fabric Leaders are a reflection of the values / ethics of the society they represent Leaders cannot rule without the consent of the governed / power is in the hands of the people To be effective, true political power comes from the people Laws and the enforcement of laws are rooted in a society’s ethical code What is a political “idealist”?
What ethical issues currently exist? Many being debated in government & the courts Civil liberties Government power Justice Sexuality Business / Economic Affirmative action