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7.Model of Linguistics Change 7.1 Introduction This unit reviews: - the model of linguistics change Or Wave theory Models of change> means the family- tree modeled and wave theory. -The conflict that exist bw them. -The contrasting approaches to language change -Lexical diffusion P: 187
The Family tree Model Family tree..stammbaum (Ger) is: a traditional model of diversification(varieties) () It attempts to: Show how language diversity How language families are classified. () a family tree diagram purposes: a. Shows how language which belong to same language family are related to each other. 7.2
Linguistic diversification Means: How a single ancestor language (like proto type) develop a dialect which is in time be a distinct language
Be: Sisters languaget= then to another Language This To> daughters
Thro linguistic change the daughter August schlieicher-1861 history of Indo- European linguistics- teacher of several founders of Neogrammarian Known opponents to Neogrammarian thinking. This method linked to literature with the development of comparative methods and grammarian regularity of sound change.
In the heart of conflict over methods: There are two assumptions of comparative methods: 1.Sound change is regular(Neogram.) 2.No subsequent contact among the sisters languages after the break up of proto- language.
What is the neo- grammarian slogan(manifesto)? (sounds laws suffer no exceptions) They said that comparative method neglect language contact. In comparative methods, this is the cause of dispute about which models are most appropriate (suitable) to deal with sound change and kind of relationship among language
Genetic relationship- Is not the only thing represented in family – tree diagram. But, there is another relation between language is that they borrow from each other.
علم اللهجات 7.3 The challenge from Dialectology and the Wave Theory
What’s wave theory n historical linguistics, the wave model or wave theory,is a model of language change in which a new language feature (innovation) or a new combination of language features spreads from a central region of origin in continuously weakening concentric circles, similar to the waves created when a stone is thrown into a body of water.(Johnnes Schmidt 1872)the father
Continue in 7.3 The dialectologist oppose Neogrammarian position that sound change is regular and exception less. Is that each word has its own history.(Jules Gillieron- author of Atlas 1900Linguistique) They also oppose family tree- model
This model Reduce historical linguistics to etymology(study the origin of words) The dialectologists contradict the Neogrammarian model of regularity hypothesis The example Normandy k> become French ∫(before a) This oppose Neogrammarian and support Dialectologists view that every word has its history(more details P (
Notion(idea) of wave theory Deals with the change due to contact among them The dialectists’ slogans that: that every word has its own history, reflect this thinking… A word history is a result of various influences from different direction differs from anthor word’s history.