2 Kingdoms Archaebacteria Eubacteria
Archaebacteria Unicellular autotrophs All anaerobic (without oxygen) All live in extreme environments
Archaebacteria Divided into 3 groups according to where they live
Group 1 Oxygen-free environments, produces methane Ex:Deep-sea, water sewage, cow stomachs
Group 2 Concentrated salt water, purple pigmented Ex: Great Salt Lake, Dead Sea
Group 3 Hot, acidic waters of sulfur springs Almost-boiling sulfuric acid
Eubacteria Grouped into 3 primary groups according to how they get nourishment
Heterotrophs Parasites Saprobes (decomposers)
Photosynthetic Autotrophs Get energy from the sun Cyanobacteria (most are blue-green, but some are red or yellow)
Chemosynthetic Autotrophs Get energy from the breakdown of inorganic (non- living) substances
Bacterial Structures Prokaryotic (no nucleus) DNA in a single circular chromosome
Bacterial Structures Classified by cell shapes and grouping
Bacterial Shapes Spheres (coccus)
Bacterial Shapes Rods (bacillus)
Bacterial Shapes Spirals (spirillum)
Bacterial Groupings Pairs (diplo-) Clusters (staphylo-) Chains (strepto-)
Bacterial Groupings Pairs (diplo-)
Bacterial Groupings Clusters (staphylo-)
Bacterial Groupings Chains (strepto-)
Environmental Needs Bacteria require very little in order to survive. However ideal conditions include moist environments with specific temperature ranges and adequate supply of nutrients
Metabolism Most bacteria require oxygen (obligate aerobes) Some bacteria are killed by oxygen (obligate anaerobes)
Protection Endospores – structure produced by bacteria that contains a copy of its DNA; covered by a thick wall which resists drying out, boiling, & chemicals
Protection, cont’d endospores
Protection, cont’d Toxins – poisons produced to ward off predators and to digest food particles
Reproduction Bacteria use two processes to reproduce.
Binary fission Asexual reproduction similar to mitosis One cell makes Two
Conjugation Sexual reproduction where one bacterium transfers all or part of its genetic material to another
Application Why do you get sick if you don’t cook your food long enough?