Chapter 7, Lesson 2 Life in the Americas It Matters Because: Long before the arrival of Europeans, people in the Americas created complex societies.
I. The Mayans A. Developed complex society in S. Mexico & C. America 1. Cleared rainforest for farming 2. City-states traded & fought for territory B. Kings believed to be descendants of the sun god calendar C. Developed calendar to schedule planting and harvesting mathematics hieroglyphic writing D. Practiced advanced mathematics & hieroglyphic writing E. Collapsed ca. 900, due to fighting among city- states BrainPop
II. The Aztecs A. Hunters & warriors, rose to power ca B. Capital city was Tenochtitlan C. Chief god was Quetzalcoatl, feathered serpent & sun god D. Emperors believed to be descendant of the gods 1. Greatest emperor was Montezuma E. Developed calendar for farming: planting and harvesting BrainPop
Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec serpent god BrainPop
III. The Incans A. Competed for scarce fertile land in the Andes, 1300s B. Built largest empire in the Americas, ca. 1430, under leadership of strong emperors 1. Built roads to connect the empire 2. Irrigated and terraced mountains for farming C. Great engineers, mathematicians 1. Machu Picchu was a wonder of engineering 2. City built in terraces in sides of Andes mountains
Mach u Picch u
IV. North American Natives A. N. American natives adapted to different environments Inuit B. In far north, Inuit were first settlers 1. Used dog sleds & seal-skin kayaks 2. Built permanent stone block homes, igloos for travel 3. Skilled hunters of seals, caribou, walruses, polar bears C. Pacific coast natives built cedar houses & canoes 1. Hunted & fished for otters, seals, whales, salmon 2. Carved totem poles from cedar trees BrainPop
Northwester n Totem Poles
D. Southwest natives adapted to life in the desert adobe 1. Built homes from sun-dried bricks called adobe 2. Others carved homes into the cliff sides E. In 1500s, Navajo and Apache arrive, dominate Southwest Great Plains G. Natives on the Great Plains were nomads 1. Moved when land was exhausted or herds moved tepees 2. Lived in skin tents called tepees 3. Women farmed while men hunted IV. North American Natives
Woodland H. Forests east of Mississippi River were home to Woodland tribes 1.Farming was common in southeast 2. Hunting & fur trapping common in northeast Iroquois Confederation I. Iroquois Confederation - an alliance to end fighting between tribes 1. Wrote first constitution in the Americas IV. North American Natives