LOGO Benefits of LED flood lightsLED flood lights
Benefits of LED flood lights LED (light emitting diode) also known as SSL (solid state lighting) technology has advanced substantially in performance and reliability in recent years. Though there are many good types of lighting products on the market for outdoor lighting, LED flood lights have emerged as the solution offering a compelling list of benefits and advantages over the other types of lighting sourceslighting
LED flood lights are far more energy efficient than other methods of generating light and that includes fluorescent lighting too. In comparison to an equivalent halogen lamp, the reduction in energy consumption is staggering. Whether you need to light up an outdoor area for commercial or business purposes, sports, recreation, public amenity, private garden or home living space – a substantial reduction in your electricity bill is obtainable through selecting suitable LED flood lights.
LED flood lights are environmentally friendly in a number of ways. As already pointed out, they consume much less energy, therefore the amount of fossil fuels burned up are reduced – leading to lower carbon footprint. LED flood lights do not get hot and generate heat as in the case of other light sources. In addition, LEDs do not produce UV (ultra violet) or IR (infra red) radiation. Mercury, a dangerous neuro- toxin is present in fluorescent and CFL lighting systems but is completely abscent in LED lights.
LED flood lights are generally designed to have a specified beam angle to direct the light to where it is needed, eliminating or minimising light pollution, an important environmental and ecological concern being brought to attention by organisations such as the International Dark Sky Association. LED flood lights are highly robust and durable in design requiring almost no maintenance. The can arguably be regarded as a “Fit & Forget” lighting solution with life spans of up to 50,000 hours if designed well throughout. A LED light source is fundamentally different to traditional filament lamps in that they are solid state semiconductor devices and do not require bulb replacement.
The light generated by state-of-the-art LED flood lights is of a crisp and pleasing quality and there is a choice of colour temperatures available to best suit the application or personal taste. Cool White LED floodlights are typically selected for illuminating areas for work and sporting activities, whereas the Warm White version is preferred in areas requiring a softer ambiance such as recreation or relaxation facilities.
When choosing a LED flood light it is important to ensure that the product has a technology leading (current generation) LED chip module inside from a leading semiconductor manufacturer such as Bridgelux. It is essential too to consider the quality of the other materials and design of the LED flood light such as the lumen performance, electronic driver/power supply, cable, lens design, heat sink design and quality of materials used. Keep in mind that any product is only as reliable as the weakest component and it is best to avoid products where there is any doubt about them being designed and manufactured to world class standards
what is the difference between a high bay light and low bay ligh A low bay light is typically used with ceiling heights 20’ or less. High bay lights are typically used when ceiling heights are 20-45’ high. Most notably, a low bay light usually features some type of diffuser on the bottom of the light to spread the light in a manner reflective of the lower ceiling height. High bay lights typically have an aluminum reflector which allows a beam of light to reflect downwards to the floor area. Other types of high bay lights have a prismatic reflector which illuminates shelving, etc. from the floor to the ceiling. Whether you are using low bay lights or high bay lights, LED lighting overwhelming allows users to illuminate large areas with very few lights, making it the energy savings choice for buildings of all sizes.