MICE S TEP IV P HYSICS ‘D ELIVERABLES ’ V. Blackmore MAP 2014 Spring Meeting 30 th May, 2014 1/15 AKA “What will we learn from Step IV?”


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Presentation transcript:

MICE S TEP IV P HYSICS ‘D ELIVERABLES ’ V. Blackmore MAP 2014 Spring Meeting 30 th May, /15 AKA “What will we learn from Step IV?”

MICE Step IV Physics ‘Deliverables’ Why MICE? What is Step IV? What will Step IV tell us? Summary 2/15

Why MICE? (Figure “borrowed” from M. Palmer’s introduction talk) More? See talks by D. Kaplan & A. Bross 3/15

Ionisation Cooling muon cooled 4/15

Measuring “Cooling” Liouville’s theorem conserves phase space Absorber violates Liouville’s theorem “Cooling” = reduction in phase space MICE will measure a ~10% reduction in emittance to 1% relative precision 5/15

Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment Upstream Spectrometer Solenoid Downstream Spectrometer Solenoid Absorber Focus Coil RF PID Detectors “Step V” “Step IV” 6/15

MICE Step IV Liquid hydrogen SS1SS2FC CKOVs EMR TOF0TOF1TOF2KL Diffuser Tracker planes 7.5—8m 7/15

Ionisation Cooling Approximation Multiple scattering Ionisation Cooling Measure a change in emittance 8/15

Ionisation Cooling Approximation Depends on material Depends on magnetic latticeDepends on upstream beam line (mostly diffuser) Depends on particle species  backgrounds! Multiple scattering Ionisation Cooling Measure a change in emittance Many parameters that we can tune and/or measure 9/15

The MICE Physics Program (TBD*) StepResultPriorityDependencies IV1. First demonstration of ionisation coolingEssential-- 2. Measurement of ionisation cooling with LH2 and LiH absorbers Core1. 3. Initial study of factors affecting performance of ionisation cooling lattices Optimal1, 2 4. Initial study of emittance exchange in an ionisation cooling lattice Optimal1, 2 V5. First demonstration of ionisation cooling with re-acceleration Essential1 6. Measurement of transverse emittance reduction and longitudinal emittance preservation in an ionisation cooling lattice Essential1, 2 7. Study of factors affecting the performance of ionisation cooling lattices Essential1, 2, (3) 8. Management of canonical angular momentum in an ionisation cooling lattice Essential1, (3), 5, (6, 7) Definition of terms: Essential: This result must be measured for MICE to achieve its goals. It cannot be delayed until a later Step. Core: A critical result that could be delayed until a later Step given careful planning. Optimal: An important result that could be better explored in a later Step. Physics deliverables depend on number of run cycles… …Run cycles depend on installation of Step V * Will be discussed at next CM 10/15

T. Carlisle (University of Oxford) 11/15

Time (and cryostat) permitting + LiH wedge absorber studies 12/15 T. Carlisle (University of Oxford)

Beyond Emittance 13/15

Single Particle Amplitude’s UpstreamDownstream 14/15 C. Hunt (Imperial College, London)

Summary Upstream Downstream A lot can be learned from Step IV Exactly how much depends on installation of Step V  reacceleration is the ultimate demonstration of ionisation cooling! 15/15