Love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:5-7
21 st Century Parenting
Slide 5 The State of Parenting Today
Slide 6 To understand the state of parenting today, LifeWay Research surveyed… a representative sample of 1,200 American adults with children under 18 years old in the household in September 2007 n A demographically balanced online panel was used for the interviewing n Respondents were not informed the research was being conducted on behalf of LifeWay Research n Sample provides 95% confidence that potential sampling error does not exceed ±2.7 percent
Slide 7 Families Face Numerous Challenges
Slide 8 Family Changes During the Time They Had Kids Q14. During the time you have had (a child/children) under age 18, have you experienced any of the following?
Slide 9 Parents Want to be Engaged
Slide 10 Are Parents Consistently Trying to Get Better? How much would you agree or disagree with this statement? “You consistently make an effort to become a better parent”
Slide 11 Parents grasp their role in their child’s Spiritual Development n The vast majority of parents believe the parent(s) should be most responsible for a child’s spiritual development Q24. In your opinion, who should be the most responsible for a child’s spiritual development?
Slide 12 Parents Don’t Know How to Be Better Parents n They’re turning to the wrong sources of advice n They don’t see the need for external help, guidance, advice…even encouragement
Slide 13 Where Parents Get Parenting Advice n By far the most common place for getting parenting advice or guidance was one’s own experiences growing up Q18. How much do you, personally, get advice or guidance about parenting from each of the following sources?
Slide 14 Where Parents Get Parenting Advice continued Q18. How much do you, personally, get advice or guidance about parenting from each of the following sources? n Few look beyond their network of family and friends
Slide 15 Where Parents Don’t Get Parenting Advice The church and sacred texts, such as the Bible, are each ignored completely for parenting advice by over one-third of parents (37%) Q18. How much do you, personally, get advice or guidance about parenting from each of the following sources?
Slide 16 Sources of Encouragement n Encouragement is also highly relational Q39. Do you have any sources from which you receive encouragement as a parent? Mark as many as apply.
Slide 17 Sources of Encouragement continued Q39. Do you have any sources from which you receive encouragement as a parent? Mark as many as apply.
Slide 18 Parents Do Not Connect Faith With Parenting
Slide 19 Parents have low familiarity with what the Bible has to say about Parenting Q50. How familiar do you feel with what the Bible has to say about parenting?
Slide 20 Few value the role of religious faith in Parenting Q40. What role does your religious faith play in your parenting?
Slide 21 Church leaders have the opportunity to connect parents with… n Scripture so they see how it intersects life and parenting n Practical to-do’s for the parent adventure n Other parents who can help each other parent better together
Slide 22 The Parent Adventure is designed to help with all three
The Adventure Begins
I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14a
Only half of parents indicate that their religious faith plays an important role in their parenting. ½ 83% The vast majority of parents believe the parent or parents should be responsible for a child’s spiritual development. Bible = Parent Plan LifeWay Research
Letting Go
Biblical Examples Mary & JosephJesusLuke 2:46-50 GodMarriageGenesis 2:25 FatherProdigal SonLuke 15:11-31
I prayed for this boy, and since the Lord gave me what I asked Him for, I now give the boy to the Lord. For as long as he lives, he is given to the Lord. 1 Sam. 1:27-28
The vast majority of parents FEEL FEARFUL when they think about what their kids will face in this world as adults, including 1/3 who feel this strongly. 7% Just 7% of all parents have a written plan or goal for what they want to accomplish as a parent. Regular churchgoers are particularly likely to have a plan. Just over half of all parents LOOK FORWARD to the day their kids grow up with excitement that they’ll be ready to face the world. Thirty-for percent think of this day with fear and worry over whether they’ll be ready, while 15 percent say this is simply too painful to think about. LifeWay Research
A Yes Home
Every one of God’s promises is “yes” in Him. 2 Cor. 1:30
The home is the environment to release a child’s creativity & discovery!
God’s Yes Yes, you can ask Me for wisdom (see Jas. 1:5) Yes, I will never stop loving you (see Rom. 8:37-38) Yes, you can do all things through Me (see Phil. 4:13) Yes, I will forgive you (see Eph. 1:7; 1 John 1:9)
Let’s Talk
We must not hide them from their children, but must tell a future generation the praises of the Lord, His might, and the wonderful works he has performed. Psalm 78:4
Talk Systems Family Conferences
Talk Systems Bedtime
Talk Systems Mornings
Talk Systems Mealtime
Talk Systems Family Adventures
LifeWay Research Just 53% of families pray together once a month or more, and only 31% have religious devotionals or studies together that often. Yet over 9 out of 10 watch television together once a month or more. 53%
Pain Happens
Each day has enough trouble of it’s own. Matthew 6:34
Physical Pain Each day has enough trouble of it’s own. Matthew 6:34 SinDeath Doing Right
I will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5-6
Six out of 10 parents want their children TO EXPERIENCE pain and disappointment so that they can learn from it, while 4 out of 10 try to protect them whenever they can. 34% About three out of four parents say they try to keep their own pain away from their children. Twenty-eight percent of parents agree they feel a lot of regret about what they’ve done as parents. LifeWay Research 28%
Celebrate! I will celebrate before the Lord. 2Samuel 6:21
Celebrate Life’s Transitions
God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31 God Celebrates!
The return of the Prodigal Son. Luke 15 God Celebrates!
Grow up to have good values (25%) Are happy (25%) Are successful in life (22%) Are good people (19%) Get a college degree (17%) Are independent adults (15%) The most common definitions parents have for SUCCESS are if their kids— LifeWay Research 25%
Create an environment for Kids to Know God A Yes Home! Letting Go! Celebrate! Pain Happens Let’s Talk
Churches helping Parents: Find their own adventure with God