Create a three column graphic organizer. Make a list of the following prefixes. You should have room for a definition and example for each one. Non, Un, In, Im, Ir Mono, Uni Dis, DeTele AntiSemi InterFore ReOver PreBi MacroTri MicroPost
Activator This is the beginning of a new set of activators. If you submit your activator on canvas, please look under the light/eye module and click on the assignment: Activator for to Download the template. Complete the activator and save. Paper activators are on the front table if you use a paper copy. Then, answer the following in the Monday Block… What is the difference between a regular and diffuse reflection?
Activator In the Tuesday Block, please answer the following… What is the electromagnetic spectrum? How is it organized? Why does it exist?
Activator In the Wednesday Block, please answer the following… Where is visible light located on the spectrum? (Between which two types of radiation/light waves on the spectrum.) What percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible light?
Activator In the Thursday Block, please answer the following…. What color would be hotter red, blue or white? Why?
Activator In the Friday Block, please do the following…. You have a test today on Light Waves. Please write “study for test” in the Friday Block. Then, use your notes, textbook, section reviews, web quest and website to study for the test. Write down any last minute questions that you may have. You have 10 minutes.