WORD FORMATION New words are formed in three main ways in English, they are: Affixation Compounding Conversion
AFFIXATION I. PREFIX Characteristics: Generally they do not alter the word class of the base. The are normally written together with the base as a single word. Main stress falls normally on the base. They can be grouped according to their meaning. 1. Negative Prefixes un- : unfair, unadorned, unfortunately non- : non-conformist, non-existent, non-verb in- : invisible il : illogical im : impossible ir : irresponsible, irregular dis : disloyal, disobey, dislike, disagree a (n) : amoral, atheist 2. Reversible Prefixes un- : undo, undress, unhorse de- : defrost, depoliticize dis- : discouraging, disheartened
3. Pejorative Prefixes mis- : mishear, misconduct, misunderstanding mal- : malfunction, maltreat, malpractice pseudo- : pseudo-scientific, pseudo-classicism 4. Prefixes of degree and size arch- : archduke, archenemy super- : supermarket, superman out- : outlive, outdo, outrun, outstanding sur- : surchange, surplus over- : overdo, overall under- : undertook, underpressure hyper- : hyperactive, hypersensitive 5. Prefixes of attitude co- : cooperative, cooperation, coordination counter- : counter-attack anti/pro- : anti-democracy, pro-democarcy, anti-climaxs
6. Locative Prefixes sub- : subway, subconcious, subdivide inter- : international, interplay trans- : transplant, transmusi 7. Prefixes of time and order fore- : foretell, foreman, forewarn pre/post- : pre-historial, post-historial ex- : ex-minister, ex-wife re- : rebuild, relocation 8. Number Prefixes uni/mono- : unilateral, monosyllable, monochrome bi/di- : bifocal, bilingual, dichotomy multi- : multiculture, multiracial 9. Conversion Prefixes be- : bewitch, befriend en/em- : endanger, empower a- : afloat
II. SUFFIX Characteristics: They normally alter the word type of the base. Suffixes rarely have a distinct meaning on their own. The change the word into which they are included into another part of speech. The can be classified according to the speech part they form, or according to the type of base the are added to. 1. Noun Suffixes a. Occupational -eer : engineer -ster : gangster, gamester -er : banker, runner b. Diminutive and Feminine -let : booklet, piglet -ette : cigarette, kitchenette -ess : hostess, stewardess c. Status, Domain (abstract) -hood : brotherhood, likelihood -ship : friendship, championship -dom : freedom
d. Quantity -ful : handful, spoonful, helpful -ship : friendship, championship -dom : freedom 2. Noun/Adjective Suffixes -ese : Japanese -ist : novelist, typist, pianist -ism : communism, imperalism 3. De-verbal Suffixes -ant : applicant, occupant -ion/-ation : operation, exploration -ment : arrangement, argument, amusement -al : approval, refusal -ing : swimming, living -age : package, shortage, heritage
4. De-adjectival Suffixes -ness : goodness, happiness, selfishness -able/-al/-ity : readable, sentimental, sentimentality 5. Verb Suffixes -ify : identify -ize : memorize, organize, scandalize -en : shorten, sadden, blacken 6. Adjective Suffixes -able : readable, drinkable -ful : beautiful, pletiful -en : wooden, leaden -ic : Germanic, specific -ish : foolish, snobbish -less : helpless, hopeless 7. Adverb Suffixes -ly : happily, freely, instantly -wards : onwards, eastwards -wise : clockwise
COMPOUNDING Definition : Two or more word joined together to form a new word, separately or with a hypen. For example: - Home + Work : homework - Pick + Pocket : pickpocket - Fast + Food : fast-food - Baby + Sitter : baby-sitter NOTE: The meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its part. e.x: - Coconut oil : oil made from coconut - Baby oil : an oil for babies, NOT oil made from babies
CONVERSION Definition: Conversion is derivational process whereby an item changes its word-class Verb to Noun verb will be noun by adding: - er behind it with the meaning THE DOER OF THE VERB - the before its past participle form with the meaning THE VICTIM OF THE VERB e.x: The kicked kicks kicker with a kick Noun to Verb Noun will be verb with the meaning GIVE THE NOUN e.x: I’ll flower this table My sister always waters all of flowers in the garden
3. Noun to Adjective Noun becomes adjective by adding suffix –en, as follow: Wood - Wooden Gold - Golden e.x: Siti Nurhalizah has golden voice These two areas are connected by a wooden bridge Adjective to Noun Adjective becomes noun by using THE before it and it is singular in form but stands for plural e.x: The tall are easy to steal mangoes The poor mustn’t be avoided Adjective to Verb Adjective becomes verb by adding –ing, –ed, or nothing with the meaning TO MAKE ADJECTIVE e.x: The background must be blacked The driver is slowing the car’s speed Open the door, please!